I drove 118 miles through rural areas in the northeast US yesterday, and was surprised to see a great many fields had been plowed, being readied for spring plantings. These areas grow mostly cabbages and corn.
I felt my gardening urges quicken. When I arrived home, I got busy.
I tried to start some microgreens about a month ago, hoping to have greens to eat in the winter. I made several mistakes, because I didn't look up how to start microgreens, or even which seeds were good for microgreens. I figured I'd try it with old seeds and count my blessings if I got anything to eat. The seeds I was most excited about were, I thought, arugula seeds. I tasted those greens a few times and said "yuck, those do not taste like arugula" before I figured out that they were basil! Now I am very happy to have tiny basil greens to flavor my food with. I had also started some lettuce seeds that did not come up in my garden last year so I thought they were non-viable, but some of them did germinate, and I might keep trying to get them to form heads.
I started pepper seeds yesterday, very early, cuz last year my peppers did not have time to ripen. Soon I'll start okra and eggplant for the same reason.
Anyhoo, here's my seedling set up at present. I'm sure it gives real gardeners a chuckle, but I'm very happy with it!
Most of my garden, however, is inside, and is in full bloom!
First, my orange amaryllis, which I successfully managed to allow to go dormant and to get it to bloom for a second year. My shot does not do it justice, but you get the gist:
When I arrived home, my deep red amaryllis looked like this!:
Oh, Happy me!
And then there is my trusty orchid, the only orchid I have ever managed to get to rebloom, and this one is blooming for the third time. All I do is put three ice cubes on it whenever I remember to do that. Talk about low maintenance!
That's it for this month folks. I have begun serious work outside, mostly cleaning up the mess I left in the fall, but a whole lot of planning has gone on! I have high hopes for this coming season, my sixth season of growing food, and my second year of trying to preserve as much as possible for winter repasts.

This is my entry to The Hive Garden community's monthly garden journal contest for March. Disqualified, of course, because I'm the one giving out the prizes and curating the entries this month!!! Come join us!!!