Hello to all my lovely friends here at @asean.hive!! Its Sunday day off today, and we had a chance to take a break from online and offline selling. I told my kids that we were not going to open our store today because I would like to spend quality time with them, but first I have to meet up with my customers to distribute their orders.
Not every Sunday we have time to go out and relax. I think we do it once a month or twice every two months, only if I have spare funds to spend. Mostly every Sunday, my kids go to church every Sunday morning, and I go to church every 6 p.m. in the evening because that is the most convenient time for me.
My youngest daughter and I went to McDonald's Cogon first to meet up with my customers. While we were waiting for my customers, I ordered some burgers and fries, and guess what my daughter was doing? She was feeding her stuffed toy.
I told my eldest daughter that we would meet them at SM Downtown after our meet-up with customers. We finished distributing customers orders after an hour, then we went straight to SM Downtown to roam around. I am supposed to visit Hinaguan Farm Park, but since it is far and we do not have a private vehicle to travel, I may move it to maybe next month when I have funds for travel and nature leisure with my kids.
Its back to school again next month, and we went to school supplies at SM Department Store to check the school supplies that my kids might need, but we did not buy yet; we only checked the prices. Were planning to buy once the school opening starts on July 29, 2024, because I need those class school supply requirements lists from their teachers.
Were having fun taking pictures of our outfit from my online store; it is branded, high quality, and affordable. That is why we do not need to buy anything for shopping at RTW because I am selling very affordable clothing that is cheaper than department stores, malls, and Shoppe.
Were done with pictorials and eating ice cream, its almost closing time, and we have 1 hour and a half to eat for dinner at SM food court. I feel that I would like to eat Korean food that will suit my budget, so I order 3 Mr. Kimbob Korean food in different dishes that cost only 149 pesos, that is almost 3 HBD per meal. I really like to eat kimchi, so I choose to eat the kimchi meal, and my kids like the beef meal.
We enjoy our dinner so much, we have so much fun during our day off, and tomorrow will be another day to strive again. Thank you so much for reading my post, and I hope you all had a happy Sunday 😊