During this festiveal season, provided this is year end, many would have been taking their leave and enjoying holiday. However, due to me being new to the company, its not nice for me to apply leave during this time.
Story started with the night before Christmas Eve. I was having fun, browsing around some porn site with my popcorn and root beer, suddenly my windows went wonky and couldnt boot up anymore. I ran a disk diagnostic tool and window repair, nothing seems to help. In the end, have to go with clean format. The damn thing promise me it will only take a couple of minutes, ended up im sitting there for hours. Its an old laptop, i dont want it to continue working around the clock unsupervised. God knows if the damn thing will go overheat and burn the house down.
By the time i go back to the bed room, it was already 4am in the morning, took me almost 6 hours to restore the damn operating system. I almost felt like didn't sleep at all, before i can start to dream, my phone alarm clock already started blaring and i had to get up and drive to work. Weather us quite cooling and i had to take a short nap in the car (ofcourse with engine shut off) before going into the office.
Breakfast started with fried noodle, Chinese sausage and lemon chicken. This is NOT the normal breakfast, perhaps my mind is already on holiday mood and I'm feeling of celebration incoming. The sad part is, most part of Kuala Lumpur is NOT cheap. This small plate of breakfast set me back RM13 together with a cup of black coffee.
My boss came back from Euro trip, so she bough us some souvenirs. I got a stick of candy from Norway. I have seen enough that greenish night light, wondering if i ever have a chance to see it for myself.
Since we are only working half day, we decided to meet out ex-colleague for a Christmas lunch. My colleague Irene is doing her training half way. Since she got a bigger car, we decided to use her car to fetch other ex-colleagues together.
Traffic in this part of city center is known to be horrible, and it got worst due to school holiday, added with Christmas eve.
After fetching the girls from their office, off we went straight to a restaurant and got ourselves some food.
Distance from my new office the old company is less than 5km, that however took us almost an hour to get there.
We ordered 2 giant share plate that was supposedly good to feed 4 person each, but i guess we doesn't know how to put the fork down. We still got ourselves a pizza, 2 pastas just to make sure everyone of us have "something" to bring home.
Due to our job involved in the financial line of business, sensitivity of touching crypto is high. I have patch up their beautiful faces to avoid them being idendified.
Lunch was extremely fun and we had a good time catching up with our stories. I don't particularly miss the "work" from the previous job, but i love the people. Those are some of the finest people I've worked with in my life. We called off the lunch meet up as the restaurant is closing for the first half, my friend Irene dropped me off at the parking lot so i can drive home, pickup my family and come back to town again for evening Christmas eve mass.
This is half an hour before the actual mass, we're in the church practicing and testing the sound system.
I'm not a Catholic(yet... I supposed), the idea of Christian going to church 3 times in a year really shows. Once in Christmas, once in easter sunday, and probably once more on special occasion like a funeral/wedding/baptized. Forgive my sarcasm when anyone ask me anything about Christianity, I will definitely point finger and get them to ask that Catholics, not me. Its a shame that I'm more Christian than someone whom called themselves a Christian.
Due to the choir requirement, we need to be there by 6pm for practice session, we have arranged the kids with early dinner.
Mass ended quite late, and the traffic is so much worst as every party goer including Tom Dick and Harry came to town for party. By the time we arrived at the restaurant for dinner, I'm so hungry that i almost didn't finished 3 dishes of fried noodles.