Holiday season is crashing as winter solstice falls on a friday and the following monday is Christmas day. Many of my colleagues are already taken a day off, if not they have already forecasted their medical leave 🤣(only if you can read between the lines).
We decided to spend a day of the weekend in Kuala Lumpur, and the rest in my home town to visit my mom. We went to our regular mall Atria. Used to be one of the best hangout place back in 2018 when we host every local #steem meetup here.
Instead of looking for good food, we're more than happy to find comfort food since winter solstice was all about reunion, and in Chinese tradition, its supposed to be a bigger thing than lunar new year. We traditional cure meat with us, so ordering roast chicken rice seems to be the nearest thing one can do to signify such traditional event.
Girl ordered her favorite luncheon meat rice topped with scramble egg. Egg is very fluffy, rice is the low class commercial rice but that's ok. Better than some rice that smells like perfume which i everytime doubted where does the extra "fragrance" came from.
Do you guys eat(or drink) half boiled eggs? Its funny how tradition goes with 以型补型 supposedly heal or nourish bodypart by eating something similar. I know how wrong it is, but now its more of a taste thing. Having half boiled eggs mixed with soy sauce and pepper powder, the egg wash is actually a perfect condiments for toasted bread.
This, is what I'm talking about. Slice in between a piece of bread, spread it with a thick layer of hardened margarine, mixed with Kaya or peanut butter depending on what do you like. Toast it and its good to go, dipping this into that half boiled egg mixture, its out of the world delicious.
Junior as usually got himself a french toast. I have already warned him this is not those kind of high class restaurant, they will make that french toast with thise Chinese traditional coffee shop bread. And i was so right, its dried and hard to go down. He managed to eat ⅔ of that and we call it a win.
Nevertheless, life goes on. I'm glad we have this temporary relief as my clients are also on holiday. Back in my mind, i know i have 2000 unread emails and more than half of that are urgent matter. I choose to tell me self, its Christmas so job can wait. I silent my work phone, and chill the game i have left behind for almost half a year now.