Nadi, in case you are just joining us, is my dog that I got in Thailand and moved with me to Vietnam. She has spent most of her life not being around other dogs because when we lived in Thailand getting around other dogs can be quite dangerous since there are so many strays that are semi-feral and probably have diseases. So unless I knew someone that also had a dog Nadi was never around any other animals at all in her life. There was a time that I worked at a resort where Nadi was forced to be friends in a way with their Rhodesian Ridgeback and that was a funny time since the other dog was a 60kg male and Nadi would completely boss it around even though she is the size of his head. I'll have to find some pictures of that duo because it was hilarious and also frightening because "Zion" could have accidentally killed her.
So the point is, Nadi really doesn't care for other animals and doesn't want to play or even be around them. I am looking after a friend of mine's Shih-Tzu and Chihuahua for about a week while they go and get a new passport in their home country. Thankfully, these dogs are pretty easy to look after.

This is basically how they hang out most days although this was right when the other two arrived and that is why they are blurry because they were zooming around checking everything in the rooms out.
One downside of these two is that they haven't been properly house-trained and even though they do use pet pee-pads they misfire on a regular basis and especially with the Chihuahua they pee many more times in a day than Nadi does. Nadi has been properly housetrained and will never go to the bathroom somewhere that she shouldn't.

This little monster is named Alee, and she constantly needs attention. She doesn't have the "yappy" attributes that most dogs of her breed have and this is a good thing. If there is one thing I cannot stand it is a dog that is going to bark at everything all the time. Allee also has some sort of mouth/tongue problem as well as a respiratory issue that makes her sound like a pig all the time when she is walking around. I feel bad for her but she doesn't really know anything is wrong with her. If you are wondering, no, she cannot pull her tongue all the way inside her mouth. I don't know what this disability is called because she isn't my dog.

Next up we have Charlie, who is a girl. The owner I think was unaware when she named the dog after "Charlie's Angels" that Charlie in the movie is a man and I don't think any girl is named Charlie. Therefore, I regularly refer to Charlie as a good boy. Charlie has his own quirks and I don't really care for most of them. He is terrible at going for walks and is constantly choking himself to try to run ahead. Off of the leash Charlie is very unlikely to come when called, and Allee is this way as well. I think this has to do with how they were raised, mostly indoors and never being reprimanded for not coming, and also never being rewarded for coming. Charlie also is terrible at playing with toys because she will show it to you, and wants you to throw it, but refuses to give it back. So basically we throw the toy one time and then the game is over. It's boring.

Nadi hates having them around and for the most part she just avoids them and sits on her perch on the sofa. She barely ever ventures off the sofa unless she really needs some water or is after some food that I am eating. I do not give people food to these visiting dogs and this is one thing I can say that their owner has done right. They have never received "people food" and therefore do not beg. Nadi expects to be paid with whatever you are eating and that is my fault for ever giving in.
Nadi was thrilled to get out of the house alone and without her two temporary roommates. When I leave the house without any of the dogs I put Nadi in a room by herself so that no fights will happen while I am not there to intervene. But lets be honest here, none of these dogs are capable of causing any sort of real harm, nor do I think they are interested in doing so. I do think that if a fight were to start though that the two visitors would team up on my dog and we can't have that.
Having these two come and stay with us for a few days has really opened my eyes as to how good of a dog Nadi is though. I have kind of taken for granted the fact that I never have to worry about Nadi doing anything that I wouldn't want her to do. She is just a good girl by default these days and this is because I spent years training her and now she is in her golden years and I never have to be concerned that she is ever going to chew anything up, pee or poop anywhere she is not supposed to, or do anything wrong at all. I cannot say this about the two visiting dogs. Given the opportunity they will cause all sorts of havoc and at least once a day one of them will use the bathroom on the floor.
I think that as an expat living in a populated city, having 1 dog is a massive pain in the butt. Having 2 of them is insanity. I don't understand why a person would do that to themselves and I think the girl that these dogs belong to actually does a pretty terrible job of training them. Thankfully they are too small to cause and real problems and are accustomed to sleeping all day, which is what they are doing right now.