Dear friends,

In the picture is my mother and my little sister in a curly hair. Even walking in the public, she’s very affectionate with our mama. She held her arms while reminding of fruits to buy because she was fainted at school. Their school doctor advised that she should eat fruits and vegetables as she has a low potassium or she has hypokalemia. According to the doctor, these are the symptoms of a teenager and an adult may experiencing:
- Fatigue
- Anxiety
- Tingling and Numbness
- Muscle Weakness
- Excessive thirst
- Lightheadedness
- Excessive Urination

We bought 1 kilo of cucumber for only 35 pesos (0.61$). We chose the big sizes and very green looking. Since she needs vegetables with a plenty of nutrient content, cucumber is our first pick. It has a lot of health benefits. One of its nutritions are fiber and potassium. As a member of the group with a mild scoliosis, cucumber is also beneficial to me because it can strengthen bones and a good source of protein.

We also saw my childhood favorite fruits such as papaya, pomelo, guavas, guyabano and jackfruits. My most favorite is the jackfuit which is Nangka in Bisaya and Langka in Tagalog. I love it’s watery, jellyish and sweet taste. We can also use the raw jackfruit for a Filipino dish called, “Ginataang Langka,” a food that is cooked with a coconut milk and spices like union, ginger, black and ground pepper, capsicum and salt.

We bought plenty of Okra. This is the only vegetable that I didn’t like before, however, we steam it in the morning and pair with a salted fish. If it is paired with the other sauce, I wouldn’t like it, but with a salted fish is our favorite here. We call it a green hotdog so that the kids will be excited to attend the table.

We all love bell peppers at home since my mother likes to cook a Humba. Accordingly, Humba means Humok nga Baboy in Bisayan dialect which also means a soft pork in English. I also love tomatoes when it is diced and added to a soy sauce when we grill pork and fish. It can also be inserted inside the fish’ tummy when barbecued, along with an onion. If there is no fish or pork anymore, I mix it with a hard boiled and sliced egg, then add vinegar and other spices.

We also bought grapes, apple, oranges and lemons. These fruits have a lot of vitamin C, fiber and potassium. They have many health benefits and nutrient we can get aside from the mentioned. Oranges costs 140 pesos per kilo (2.43$), small apples cost 10 peso
s each (0.17$), lemon costs 20 pesos each (0.35$), big apples costs 25 pesos each (0.43$) and grapes costs 25 for 1/4 (0.43$).

It is my mother’s attitude to beg a price into lower but this time, she didn’t because she can just afford.Grapes is the most expensive fruit here that we didn’t buy because we could eat it directly, yet, it was displayed along the road. Remembering the times of 6 days after my surgery, the only fruit that I had a little appetite was grapes. It has potassium, carbohydrates, protein, vitamin C, Iron, Vitamin B6, Magnesium m, Calcium, Vitamin D and Cobalamin according to my surgeon.

Aside from Pineapple is good for snacking, it is also delicious to be added on fish and pork recipes like Pininyahang Manok, Chicken Afritada, Chicken Haminado, Pineapple Pork Adobo, Paksiw na Pata and Fried Rice in Pineapple. Sometimes, I add it to the blender. Making vegetable and fruit juice is my daily routine twice a day. We drink it before meal in breakfast and after dinner. My sister make drinking it as part of her routine, and since she drank for many weeks, symptoms of hypokalemiahave not come back. It was scary when we went to the mountain that she fainted with her hands and feet, but I thanks God that it’s not present these days anymore because she’s too young to experience a sickness like that. I don’t want her to be depressed at the young age because depression is not a joke.
How about you, how health conscious are you? What is your lifestyle?
Thank you amazing friends @olivia08, @diosarich and @antonette.Thank you @justinparke for your kindness and delegation. Thank you @asean.hive for your unfading support. Love love all the way!