Hello fellow hivers, this is natz04 and welcome to my blog. So far so good, inspiration to share my blog for today which all about this exotic street food. So did you eat balut? Try to react me here in the comment section, haha joke!
Actually here in the Philippines "balut" is a well-known and famous streetfood. Since it is an exotic food so not a majority really likes to eat a balut. Most especially when there's a chick it seems like it's disgusting.
And what is a balut?
It is a very common streetfood in the Philippines. Paired with a spicy vinegar (sukang tuba/coconut wine) and a little salt. Which it is a fertilized duck egg embryo which particularly ages to eighten days. It is cook in boiled and eaten in the shell while it is still hot. So good to eat balut while it is hot inorder to taste good which it is already a delicacy mostly here in my country Philippines.
In my own research about balut and the health benefits that can be get. Balut is easily obtained as a good source of protein, it is packed with vitamin C and beta carotene. Both of which are powerful antioxidants that can help clean free radicals from the bloodstream and support the immune system.
So what's the effect of eating balut? It has been known to be an aphrodisiac. It is said to be a conductor of heat and gives power boost of energy to people who have eaten it. This is probably why people who eat balut are more inclined to desired sex and which balut is still considered an affordable poor man's meal.
And in behalf of my age, so then I challenge myself to eat balut. I will not be denied that I am quite old because I am already forty two years old.
So if you had already a very low in sex mostly male with older ages. Try to eat balut then it will really increases a sex stamina. And for sure your wife were really happy. It's not called rude because its actually happens in life. And it usually happens when you get older. The responsibility to the wife has been somewhat neglected.
And that's all my article for now. I hope you have learned and gained some tips. And I salute to all the people who eats balut.
Thank you and keep safe!