The daughter of my boss who are already engaged had a female friend visitor. They are talking about the coming Ramadan and the wedding next year. I heard them talking and laughing. They requested a food for lunch kabsa and I already cooked it and done. But the lady went home and the food I cooked is still untouch. It's fine, this will be the lunch of my boss.
While preparing their foods, I also preparing the garlic for Ramadan. I am peeling the garlic so I can use it quickly everytime I need this coming Ramadan on March 10, 2024.
I am peeling the garlic and I will preserve it so it is easy for me to use during Ramadan.
The lamb meat is also ready.
This is red monggo, boiled and blended. Stir frying and ready to eat. Reheat it during breakfast everyday.
I am doing these thing to avoid the complication of my work. Everything must be systematically done. No sleeping at night and sleep in the morning until noontime. 1pm up to 5pm, the preparation and cooking will be done everyday.
I am also preparing food for the cleaner. I hope that like before I could have the strength to work quickly with magic. I am thinking for the new comer and they came here during Ramadan. It is not easy to adjust their time and lifestyle. That is why many of the #ofw are sick and weak. Depression may visits their mind and sury they will be crying and hard to adjust their situation. So I suggest not to come or apply during Ramadan.
That's all about today's update!