🎂 Celebrating My Birthday, Receiving Gifts, & Eating Delicious Food! 🎁



Yesterday was my birthday and I am now 15 years old, but I still feel like I am 14. Well below is where I tell you about my day.


Yesterday was my birthday and yes I had fun a lot. First of all I don't have to do chores, unlimited screen time, and eating my favorite foo. It feels kinda weird when I don't have to do chores, I felt so useless. Also my sister was being mean still but nicer than usual, but still mean.


Also yesterday I watched a movie with my family and the movie is called "The Good Son", it was kinda tragic really. I think it was one of best movies that I've watched this year, but at first I want to watch the "Richie Rich" then my dad wanted me to try that movie. It is also a good family movie that both young and old people can enjoy.


So yesterday my dad made two meals, and he said he wanted to make a third meal but he didn't have enough time. I don't really care much and I told him that he could just make me a simple meal but no he wanted to make something difficult. Anyway the food was great, and for dinner my mom wanted to make Hot Pot but it was a bit late since we watch the movie. So my dad made me Pasta with Arrabbiata sauce and it was so good.


Yesterday when I go to school no one wish me a happy birthday, well except for my best friend Ah Hak. I don't really care since I know they won't remember it, I think they also don't know since I am not friends with them on Facebook. Anyway Ah Hak gave me a bracelet, and it was really nice of him to get me something. Me and my other best friend Ah Ya bought a cake for him on his birthday, and he actually cry. It is rare to see him cry, and I also gave him a bracelet that I made.


My sister on the other bought me a keychain probably because she knows that I like to collect keychains. She also bought me slim, since I am not a big fan of slim I gave it back to her along with a hair clip she gave me. Also my grandma gave me some money to buy something for myself, which I don't know what to use it for. I also called my dad's niece in the US and it was really awkward, first I don't know what to say and I've never called her before. Well my dad told me to call her so I did.

Monkey B

Happy birthday, many wishes and love for your birthday, wishing you a beautiful and bright future. May your life become more beautiful and colorful with family. May all your endeavors be filled with success.

Thank you so much for all of your wishes. I also hope that would happen in the future. Have a wonderful day.

Finally the birthday post I was actually waiting for you to post it wow.. you're growing up so quickly. I actually really like the Harry Potter puzzle very very nice one. Happy Happy Birthday dearest 🎉🎉🎉🎊🎊🎊🎉🎉🎊🎉🌈🌈🌈☺️☺️

I am glad that you are waiting for my post. To be honest I am happy to have anything Harry Potter related, and thank you so much. Have a nice day.

You're welcome dear, will definitely not miss any of your posts 💯❤️

Happy birthday dear. Enjoy your age. Whoa, how I missed to be a teenager, but we all grow old, that’s why, my wish for you is to enjoy your younger days like having friends to make beautiful memories together.

Thank you so much, and yes I will enjoy my age. Well I will try to make more new friends and have fun with them. Anyway thank you so much for stopping by and have a nice day.

Ooh, girl, you're now a young lass. Birthday celebration is a gathering of family and friends - simple, sweet, and destined to take its place in your album of good memories. Happy Belated Birthday, @srey-yuu. 🎉🎂💐🎁🎆💕

It is fun to celebrate with family and friends, but I don't celebrate my birthday with my friends since only 1 of them knows my birthday. Anyway thank you so much and have a nice day.

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Well I will be waiting for the day when you can come to visit then. Have a great day.

Happy belated birthday. I hear you talk about Richie Rich and The Good Son. Have you already seen 'Home Alone' ( with the same actor )?

I did watch Home Alone, it is actually how I know the actor. I was hoping that I could watch Richie Rich, since I haven't watch it yet and thank you so much. Have a nice day.

What does pasta Arrabbiata taste? Is it similar to a spaghetti? or something different. Belated happy birthday to you.

I think it taste like tomato sauce and a little bit sweet, and it kinda does taste like spaghetti. Thank you and have a nice day.

Happy birthday little girl, wishing you all the best

Thank you so much. Have a nice day.


I didn't took a picture of it.