Kids are very playful and they are curious about things around them. They also like to explore around them as they want to know more about certain things that they are curious about.
Sometimes, they are gullible if someone is talking to them because that's what they believe in a we can't deny the fact that these kids can be our happy pill that seeing them doing weird and unnecessary things can light up the mood and can sometimes lessen our stress from them.
Although, for these positive thoughts about them, there are times that we will be challenge from them because as they are naughty, creative, and etc. they can be stressful to us. Stressful in a way that they will continuously doing dangerous things or annoying to things that they do.
For me, I like kids because I believe that kids can brighten up my mood to talk to them and to lesson my burden from work and other problems that I have. Kids are one way to make ourselves entertain and having fun with them. I don't have any problem to kids because whenever I saw one like in a busy street, shopping malls, or any other places, I would make faces to them and they would smile at me. That alone can make my heart melt and eases the problems that I had.
Every day I will always remind my cute and adorable daughter and I am always thinking on what's she doing now and how's her day because I'm working far away with my daughter. Whenever we saw each other, I will always hug her and say to her how I missed my daughter so much as well as my wife because we only see each other once in a week.
Looking at her is like looking at myself when I was still a kid just like her but it's more than just like me. Having a child on my own is blessing to me and it lights up my world after I saw her. I like her to live the life that she wants, learn the things that she wants to learn, grow as she learns from the things and help or support her every time she needed help.
Note: The first photo was edited in Canva