
in THE 2020s7 months ago

Hitler probably had body doubles, so it may be tough to know which Hitler died during WWII, perhaps the USSR had an alleged Hitler body, did Hitler go to Antarctica, Argentina, into the planet, the moon, or what? I'd begin with his alleged bones if there are any. People lying taking Tim Pool out of context as he voted Trump in 2020, as Tim wasn't actually endorsing RFK JR, is similar to the fake news around Oatmeal Joey Arnold going back decades into the 1900s.

Jackie on Alex Jones told Lara Logan the number one place where predators go after younger people is Discord. Waffle Jesus was promoted to ruler for winning today's challenge on Discord, Waffle told everybody how I rescued 200 people who were lost in the shadow realms of the verify role.

Cut grass; picked raspberries, pole beans. Videos: about my dream where my name was not Jim but was wearing a random staff shirt at like Ace Hardware looking for friends sitting in an aisle but ran off. Watched: Umbrella Academy 401-402, Alex Jones, Timcast

2008, Scans, Part 1
2008, Scans, Part 2

Screenshot at 2024-08-09 23-57-51.png
Umbrella Academy

Oatmeal Daily - 2024-08-09 - Friday | Published in August of 2024


Screenshot at 2024-06-01 04-24-28 Discord 1340 Oatmeal.png

In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Twitter Tweets

01:08 PM

Hitler probably had body doubles, so it may be tough to know which Hitler died during WWII, perhaps the USSR had an alleged Hitler body, did Hitler go to Antarctica, Argentina, into the planet, the moon, or what? I'd begin with his alleged bones if there are any.

01:34 PM
Made this for my MySpace back in 2008.

01:46 PM
Playing drums or dancing with wands or something in Hawaii in 2008, I don't remember this, in the background is Michael Collins of Canada and Rob Noland of Revolution Hawaii of The Salvation Army.

06:15 PM
Lera @ bajslera posted this meme in my Discord Server.

Discord Drama

2024-08-09 - Friday - 08:08 PM - Discord Log

Ian Oat Box should ping/mention @ everyone because almost 200 people can now for the first time ever see the general chat of our Oatmeal Joey Arnold World Discord Server because I removed them from the shadows of the verify role which is worse than the mute and prison roles. I'll probably promote the first person who gets Ian Oat Box to @ everyone with the entirety of my message here about freeing almost 200 people in my Discord for the first time ever, they probably don't know they're free. For a limited time only, gods currently have the ability to @ everyone in my Discord Server, first person to get a god to forward my message below to the general chat pinging everyone in the server will probably be rewarded. 11:45 PM: Waffle Jesus was promoted to ruler for winning today's challenge on Discord, Waffle told everybody how I rescued 200 people who were lost in the shadow realms of the verify role.

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2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg
My Adventure in Vietnam

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Umbrella Academy 401-402

2024-08-09 - Friday - 02:55 AM - Umbrella Academy 401-402

They don't have powers. Mandela Effect or Umbrella Effect with timelines travel. They get their power in the next episode via a drink.

01:10 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [2 of 4] Friday 8/9/24 • "JACKIE" EXPOSING THE FURRY SUBCULTURE, News, Reports & Analysis

01:39 PM
Jackie on Alex Jones told Lara Logan the number one place where predators go after younger people is Discord.

06:08 PM
Trump SLAMS Joe Rogan Over RFK Praise, Rogan Says He DIDNT ENDORSE w/Caitlin Sinclair | Timcast IRL

06:31 PM
People lying taking Tim Pool out of context as he voted Trump in 2020, as Tim wasn't actually endorsing RFK JR, is similar to the fake news around Oatmeal Joey Arnold going back decades into the 1900s.

07:18 PM
Gyat means butt or specifically it means girl/goddamn your ass thick or thicc. It's probably African American slang, Corey in my Discord Server must be black.

Here is a list of what I'm watching

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to Oatmeal Daily with your host, me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, each day, I try to publish/syndicate these entries/posts/articles/web pages/stories/etc, to websites/blockchain/social media/email/etc and others are encouraged to help me share my content everywhere which includes my daily blog. This is mostly a personal blog/vlog/diary/journal/autobiography/outline/news. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. Boring/mundane daily template log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. I got up at 11:20 AM. Keys not there for the RV. Perhaps he ran off with them, too busy to hang them up. I looked for spare keys, tried the ones hanging, they did not work. I slid into the big garage. Video about my dream where my name was not Jim but was wearing a random staff shirt at like Ace Hardware looking for friends sitting in an aisle but ran off. Breakfast, 12:15 PM. Helped mom go into garden shed to locate potting mix inside a bin. Lunch, 01:00 PM. Helping Larry move things around around 02:00 PM for thirty minutes, he told me to make room in the big garage for the boat, brought down the portal potty from the attic there. Back here now. Took a nap possibly for an hour or it felt like a long time. Felt full. Didn't finish my salad. Was out trying to cut the grass around like 04:00 PM. But was trying to start the old lawnmower. So, then got the new lawnmower to start, I cut part of the first part by the driveway around the island bed of the front yard until it ran out of grass. Added gas, oil, and WD-40. But would not start. Picked raspberries, pole beans, watered, no mail, did some weeding in the front yard around the raised bed and pulled up a few random weeds which I usually do randomly like daily or randomly; did the recycling, compost. After that after around 05:00 PM, the lawnmower did start, I cut the rest of the front lawn and not the back yard. Swept sideways and the driveway as usual. Back here at around 06:00 PM. Dinner, 06:05 PM. Dishes, 08:15 PM to 09:40 PM. In the middle of that was a video I made in the big garage about the Discord challenge, see my Discord Log. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, banana, carrot bread, 12:15 PM. Lunch: potatoes were ok, 01:00 PM. Boiled eggs strawberry yogurt salad, 01:50 PM. More of the salad, 02:35 PM. Dinner: more of my salad, 06:05 PM. Tea. ChinhPham0369: Son Class 0200: 2024-08-09 - Friday - 10:24 PM. 1. Pages 215-218: Trapped in a Mine, A Slip of the Tongue. Chi Dung. Running short or running out of. PS, postscript, at the end of a letter, the final thing or sentence or final thought or whatever. Queue means wait in a line. Plants Zombies 2. Laser Bean. Gold Leaf. Stallia. Endurian. A.K.E.E. (acronym for Autonomous Katapulting Ejectomatic Emitter). Red Stinger. Rotobaga. Internally. Stunion. Chard Guard. Pepper-pult.