Easter Ham and Turkey

in Proof of Brainlast year (edited)

Happy Easter everyone!

Living at my in laws now has given me a lot more time to write Hive posts. Maybe you've noticed a slight uptick in my posting rate lately?

Note: This will just be a quick post about Easter. Just a heads up, the quality will be a little poor (in my opinion) so upvote accordingly. Hint, don't feel the need to vote big or at all lol.


So anyway, yesterday I woke up in the morning to a rafter of turkeys in the backyard. (I like the word rafter over flock, it sounds more interesting to me). Two males were parading for a harem of females, no doubt trying to impress them with their prowess and vigor.


My in laws home backs up to a ravine and wooded area, so they get a decent amount of wildlife periodically.


Later in the evening there were two deer grazing on the grass in the yard. It's a real wildlife kingdom at times around here. My phone camera doesn't zoom very well so its a poor photo of them.


Last night we did a big Easter dinner with 16 or so guests. The table was decorated for the occasion and looked quite nice.


There was a nice cheese board and crackers for an appetizer and a large plate of sushi that I didn't take a photo of.


For dinner we had a glazed bone in ham. I don't know if you can tell from the photo or not but this thing was massive. It was larger than a basketball.


It was delicious and probably one of the best hams that I've ever eaten.


That was served with three types of potatoes - sweet, scalloped and cheesy, as well as carrots and green beans. All in all it was a really good meal.


This morning I woke up to more turkeys on parade, this time with several males following close behind the females. I don't know if they were guarding them or trying to attract them or what, but its neat seeing them with their feathers all puffed out.


Well thats it for now. Until next time, thanks for stopping by.


to a rafter of turkeys

I like that term too.

It's a real wildlife kingdom at times around here.

You don't say.

several males following close behind the females.

I wonder what on earth could the males have been doing???
Maybe I'll find out #WhenIgrowup

That ham is so tempting and the decorations are amazing. You make me think of celebrating Easter; something that I never do:)))

I looked up the proper word. I was hoping that it would be "gaggle." I like the sound of a "gaggle of turkeys" even better 😂

😂 Yeah, that sounds smashing 😆

Happy Easter, @leaky20 and family 🐣

Wow, seeing turkeys and deer in the backyard - isn't it wonderful? Thank you for the photos, I like them, it's not an everyday scene we can see here in Hive.

And that ham 🤤 it looks awesome!!! The appetizers too, I can't wait to have figs here.

Happy Easter!

Yeah the wildlife is really cool. I don't see that at our place.

The figs here weren't the greatest. I'm not sure where they are imported from but they don't grow here naturally.

All of the post captures was a massive visual entertainment (and, lets face the truth: salivation!) for me. Especially the cheese board. And the glazed bone with ham... here I am simply speechless. It is a very very very very cool food photo!!! 🥰😍😍😍
Let me add just a little bit of !BEER to your post

Thanks for the beer. Yeah the food was quite good. We don't eat ham very often so it was a nice treat.

How do you get to take care of your turkeys? They are always wonderful but I’m usually scared of them because they have chased me so many times
Has that happened to you before too?
Happy Easter!

They are wild so we don't take care of them, they just roam freely. I've never been chase, luckily lol. They usually move away when I try to approach them to take a photo.

That's very nice. It us interesting to see staying with them as improved your activities on the blockchain.

Males and females?? Hehe, they are like that. The males want to show off, and I wonder what the females are thinking.

Wow, deliciouso! Everything looks so good.

The males want to show

😄 so true. Yeah makes one wonder what the females are thinking. I'm sure every guy is wondering that... 🤔😂

🤣🤣🤣... geez, now I can't stop thinking about it hehe

Well the post in my opinion it's not so bad quality, maybe only short but your photos are worth the vote and the ham too, so big 😍😍

Glad you enjoyed it. 😁
The ham ended up being very delicious 😋

Hey @leaky20, here is a little bit of BEER from @qwerrie for you. Enjoy it!

We love your support by voting @detlev.witness on HIVE .

It actually looks like you prefer the white turkey than the black turkey

I'm not sure I understand what you mean...