Happy Easter everyone!
Living at my in laws now has given me a lot more time to write Hive posts. Maybe you've noticed a slight uptick in my posting rate lately?
Note: This will just be a quick post about Easter. Just a heads up, the quality will be a little poor (in my opinion) so upvote accordingly. Hint, don't feel the need to vote big or at all lol.
So anyway, yesterday I woke up in the morning to a rafter of turkeys in the backyard. (I like the word rafter over flock, it sounds more interesting to me). Two males were parading for a harem of females, no doubt trying to impress them with their prowess and vigor.
My in laws home backs up to a ravine and wooded area, so they get a decent amount of wildlife periodically.
Later in the evening there were two deer grazing on the grass in the yard. It's a real wildlife kingdom at times around here. My phone camera doesn't zoom very well so its a poor photo of them.
Last night we did a big Easter dinner with 16 or so guests. The table was decorated for the occasion and looked quite nice.
There was a nice cheese board and crackers for an appetizer and a large plate of sushi that I didn't take a photo of.
For dinner we had a glazed bone in ham. I don't know if you can tell from the photo or not but this thing was massive. It was larger than a basketball.
It was delicious and probably one of the best hams that I've ever eaten.
That was served with three types of potatoes - sweet, scalloped and cheesy, as well as carrots and green beans. All in all it was a really good meal.
This morning I woke up to more turkeys on parade, this time with several males following close behind the females. I don't know if they were guarding them or trying to attract them or what, but its neat seeing them with their feathers all puffed out.