I like winding and grinding

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee9 months ago (edited)


Once a week and twice on Sundays preferably, I take the time to grind my coffee beans in this manual grinder. It takes a lot of gyrating, but the happy ending in my cup is always worth it.


Manual appliances are a must-have when living off the grid on a narrowboat. So, hubby's recent purchase of our vintage-looking Dutch manual coffee maker opens up our choice of buying coffee beans or ground coffee.


Soon, we'll install our grinder on the wall when we find the right location, as it can be quite messy to work with, but for the time being, I'm handling it and trying to get the hang of it.

I found it convenient to divide a 250-gramme package into three measuring cups and grind the beans in stages.

Untitled design-204.jpg

Using this manual grinder is easy, and I fill the decanter slowly and carefully, so I don't spill the beans.

Then I whine, wind, and grind energetically.

Pretty neat, eh?

The coffee goes directly to the recepticle.

I think this manual coffee grinder is unique and full of character, and it will complement the decor of the boat when installed on the wall. It should also be easier to use.

It's sturdy and robust too.

I like that the compartment with the ground coffee is easily detachable, as it enables me to empty it straight into a container.



A coarser grain of coffee might be more suitable for a Moka pot than a drip machine or a French press.

A downside of a manual coffee grinder compared to an electric one is that the grade of the grind is coarse. One way to improve this is to repeat the grinding of the beans about three times until you achieve the finest grade.

5.jpgThe first grind
3.jpgThe second grind
4.jpgThe third grind

I've made a comparison between my regular supermarket-bought ground coffee and my manual ground coffee.

The ground coffee from the supermarket.
My manually ground coffee.

I believe the final grade that I've gotten the coffee to will be suitable for both my Moka pot and my French press.

Untitled design-205.jpg

Either way, this looks pretty decent to me and gives me the confidence that I can now purchase more coffee beans and grind them at my convenience.


This should be sufficient coffee for us; it's ready to brew.

Untitled design-206.jpgThere's another manual coffee grinder to the left that I've yet to try.

I'm happy to have coffee sorted ahead of time, as when we're cruising, it would be time-consuming to grind coffee daily without causing delay and making too much mess.

It took me an hour to grind the entire package of coffee, numerous times to get a satisfactory grade.
We have a few busy days ahead cruising, so it's best to be prepared; However, life on the canals is slow every day, and it's all about scheduling my activities at a convenient time.

I'm looking forward to trying this new coffee, which is a mix of 80% Arabica, and 20% Robusta.

Cheers ☕️

The Goddess of Coffee loves
“Nature, the outdoors, art, and culture are all essential to my well-being; my soul is nurtured through fitness, photography, meditation, and mindfulness, all of which bring enjoyment to my daily life.
I see environmental stewardship as my responsibility and enjoy using herbs and spices for cooking and also for natural remedies. Cinnamon is one of my favourite spices, and I occasionally sprinkle it on my coffee.

My blog frequently features my minimalist lifestyle and adventures while living on my narrowboat.”

Irie love,



What a lovely grinder. So vintage and goes with the decor 😃

It took me an hour to grind the entire package of coffee, numerous times to get a satisfactory grade. However, life on the canals is slow every day, and it's all about scheduling my activities at a convenient time.

I know it may be less romantic than it looks; it can be a problem to convince someone that spending an hour grinding coffee is rather Zen, haha. But I find it very revitalizing; experiencing the slowness of life in the canals is the exact opposite of the stress of the modern world. I think some of it is great. Besides you can get the perfect grind for your French press, as you said it.

It has a Dutch and antique feel, very appropriate for sailing in exploration of new territories.

Looking good, @millycf1976 ❤️

What a lovely comment!❤️

I allocated an hour to get the entire 250-g done, as we'll be busy on the move in a few days. However, we can simply grind small amounts as needed to brew. Then it won't be much of a chore.

Experiencing the slowness of life in the canals is the exact opposite of the stress of the modern world.

It is amazing, and sometimes I need to pinch myself to believe that we're this life that we dreamed of for so long. Whenever I go back to busy towns, I feel like I live in two parallel worlds. I do not miss the fast pace of life because it leads to consumerism and superficiality.

It has a Dutch and antique feel, very appropriate for sailing in the exploration of new territories.

Awesome take on that 💯

hmm.... I may understand it as a part of planning your life forward. but on another hand, --grinding all of the package in advance is not a good solution from the point of view on coffee taste... it is much better when you grind exactly as much you need just before preparation of the coffee. hmmm.

Grinding all of the package in advance is not a good solution from the point of view of coffee taste

If I can't go outsideI better remain happy instead, eh-4.jpg
That's 100% true. I only did it cos I'll be super busy this week.
In future, I'll grind just what's needed. I most times have ground coffee anyway, but it will be great to brew a pot of freshly ground beans.

yes! 🐈🐈🐈

Take advantage of all that. Embrace it.
I know you're doing it, but I had to say it 😆

Thank you 😊

That's a beauty. I like the look of it. Definitely goes with the decor of the boat. It will probably be a lot easier to grind once you get it mounted to a wall. Very cool!

Thank you 😊

It will probably be a lot easier to grind once you get it mounted to a wall.

Yes, it will be for sure.
Btw, I have a brain freeze sometimes and cannot find the words I'm groping for... I meant "mounted" and not installed, although they work interchangeably. 😆


I think installed is fine in this case. Either works 😁

Ok, I think you are right!🤗

Your grinder is a very beautiful piece, with very elegant shapes, not only useful. It evokes some English earthenware pieces from the 19th century. It looks strong, too.
The difference in making coffee with freshly ground beans is huge. In that sense, having a grinder, even a manual one, is a blessing. It is also a work of patience that is compensated by the festival of aromas during the grinding.
You look happy, so I guess you enjoy it. Not everyone has the patience to grind with joy.

Thank you 😊

It evokes some English earthenware pieces from the 19th century.

I sure think so too.

It is also a work of patience that is compensated by the festival of aromas during the grinding.

Your words are like poetry ✅

It requires much patience, indeed, but it's worth it.
Have a nice day:)

The patience of a saint! I imagine the grind can get quite exhausting :D Imagine it's well worth it though? I like the idea of mixing your own unique blend as opposed to just going with storebought (which I frankly almost always do). Must create some pretty interesting flavors.

As if it needed saying, gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous.

The patience of a saint!

I think patience is one of my greatest strengths, just not with technical things or detangling Christmas lights.

Once I install the coffee grinder to the wall, I will only grind small portions as needed... We have some long days ahead cruising.

As if it needed saying, gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous.

Thank you 😍

grinding your own coffee is the best, I'm reading your post, and I smelled the right aroma of freshly ground coffee
How great is this manual coffee grinding machine, I really like its design, your husband has made an excellent purchase
Enjoy a freshly ground cup of coffee dear friend @millycf1976

Hey there!
Yes, it was a great find. I can't imagine that I'll ever see many of them, probably only in the Netherlands.

I am eager to try the coffee to see the best pot for brewing it in.
Have a lovely week ahead:)))

Wao, I am loving this. This is my first time seeing a manual coffee grinder that will grind to this extent. Most of things like this takes time but they provide better result in the long run. And I am sure it's a good buy. Maintenance will make it last longer

Yes, you are right about all of that. We will look after it so it lasts us a long time, indeed:)))

That's the best you could do for yourself. I wish I get to see a real coffee sometimes, some day

I wish I get to see a real coffee sometimes, some day.

You will, at the right time :)

I really hope so too

There is something satisfying in putting some work into grinding your beans up I think...

This grinder is way cute, and I love that it can be mounted to the wall! Although having to run the beans through 3x does seem like a process indeed, I must say that your (grain size?) looks nearly identical to pre-ground coffee!

I fill the decanter slowly and carefully, so I don't spill the beans.

This made me LOL 🤗! It's so wonderful getting to see your narrowboat coffee flow! 😎💗

3x does seem like a process indeed

Yes, it was, especially because I did the entire package. However, if I need to make a single cup in my Moka pot, I could always grind it once or twice.

that your (grain size?) looks nearly identical to pre-ground coffee!

Thanks! I was pleased at the closeness of the grains.

Coffee and nature are two of the most pleasant things combined and it's even more special on the narrowboat💚😋

I've seen this old specimen at Ebay, admired at it (and many others) a lot.
But on the preview pics the device looked like considerably smaller than it is in real life, when I see you hold it. This means its a serious thing, not some flick-flock Chinese plastic disposable. Warm congratulations - thats a great stuff! ...and a slice of !PIZZA 😘


This means it's a serious thing, not some flick-flock Chinese plastic disposable.

Yeah, it's a proper one.

I can see you adding something like this to your collectibles.
Happy Minday and a great week ahead:)))

We added a massive brass mortar for crushing seeds and spices, the 1st that comes to me head. And I seriously considered some manual grinders too, maybe some modern ones, and some arabe-style ones. This is rather a question of free room, and happy find at a flea market. I definitely prefer not to obtain such stuff via internet. :D

and happy find at a flea market

Yeah, flea markets are better for stuff like that, because you get to feel and see properly.

A real wow-effect!

That is really pretty with the Delft Blue hopper on top! I've never seen such a lovely coffee grinder! Nice find! 😃

Thank you 😊
It makes me want to revisit the Netherlands:)))

I must say the manual coffee machine looks like something from another world. Like an old relic. That's how I viewed it when I first saw it. Maybe it was the colour or style that made me think so, I am not quite sure... yet.

Anyway, it does the work perfectly and it is nice you liked it and even got to show us how it is used. I can tell you are thrilled by it.

Like an old relic.

Nicely said!

I can tell you are thrilled by it.

Yes, I am, indeed!

I've used many manual coffee grinders and I particularly like how robust this one feels, it's easy to clean, and it's not finicky:)

Wow, that is super nice. Well done.


This is great for workout, training your biceps!!!

Seriously, it's a very nice piece of kit, great find.

This is great for workout, training your biceps!!!

Haha! That's what I just... just when I wanted to rest my muscles in preparation for locks again. 😂

Yeah, it's gorgeous though 😍😁

That definitely was a good find and it goes well your decor. Hey a little work for for a nice hot cup of coffee but that adds to experience 😊

Thank you 😊
Yeah, it's pretty cool and something that I'd have admired if I saw it at someone else's place, so I'm happy that it's mine.
I hope that you are well.🤗😊

Manual coffee grinders have their charm. Perhaps because they remind me of the old forms of the large coffee plantations, perhaps with the song of nature and the sun just rising.
I have ground coffee manually, as you turn the crank you think...I think it's part of that ritual.
The electric ones are fast and without the use of effort. I have an electric one, it's just a plug-in. So I can grind coffee three or four times a day, just before drinking it.
Your grinding is very decorative, the design is very artistic. I hadn't seen one like that.
Thanks for sharing, @millycf1976.

Thank you 😊

They remind me of the old forms of the large coffee plantations, perhaps with the song of nature and the sun just rising.

Certainly, it's that vintage flair that attracted us too.

I have an electric one, it's just a plug-in. So I can grind coffee three or four times a day, just before drinking it.

That's the best way to grind the coffee as needed.

I had a powerful electric one when I lived in the Philippines, but now, I'm enjoying the novelty of winding and grinding:)))

Old traditions and the things that remember them are undoubtedly very special.
We have allowed ourselves to be displaced by the rush of modern days and we have let them steal part of that charm from us.
Thanks to you ☺️

We have allowed ourselves to be displaced by the rush of modern days and we have let them steal part of that charm from us.

Well said and so very true!🤗

That's right 🤗

I saw the picture and the first thought in my head was, "that's a beautiful but oddly shaped porcelain jar." Lol

It does look pretty and rather delicate too. What is it made out of?

Thank you 😊
The blue and white section is porcelain, the bottom part is a thick solid glass and the frame is wood.
I think it's durable and I can't wait to get it on the wall:)))

I've seen the little holes on it that you can use to drill it into the wall. I can't wait to see how it looks ok the wall. I believe it'll make your household look very chic and vintage.😄

Yeah, we think so too. In a few weeks we should have access to a drill and main power to mount it:)

That looks like a vintage grinder 🤌🏼✨I myself got a grinder for my coffee sales. So this seems like my everyday life. Nice to see you grinding the roasted beans. ☺️

Thank you 😊
I could see you with something like this, indeed.
I'm pleased to be able to grind my beans again.
Yeah, there were some good posts, heh-13.jpg

Beautiful gift you have given yourselves @millycf1976 , I hope you enjoy it very much and that each cup of coffee is a unique and delicious experience. Greetings. 🙂

Thank you 😊
Yes, I make sure to savour each cup with the beautiful nature around me:)

You're very welcome. Have a Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Day!-8.jpg

You will be saving cost by grinding your coffee by yourself, that's a very good idea but we hardly find coffee seeds here, is mainly grinded ones in the sachet or tin.

Great article keep it up.

Thank you for stopping by 😊

Yes, real coffee might only be sold in international shops in some regions.
I indeed hope to save money on my coffee consumption wherever possible:)

That's the best way to live and help your family,in any aspect you can save a little change when you add it up it becomes huge.


I can already smell the aroma just by watching the newly ground beans. :)

Hehe! Yes, the aroma is awesome and tempting while grinding and it's hard to resist brewing a cup while in the process:)))

Freshly ground brings the best aromas!😋 🍮

Awesome, indeed and it temps me to have a late night coffee:)))

Go for it😉


The end product after grinding is so smooth and i love the texture. Just looking at the picture i could feel how smooth it is.

But then i could imagine the noise

Haha! Yeah, manual machines are usually noisy 😉

Love this manual coffee grinder and I am a coffee lover too..hope I can have this one also.

Yeah, there's nothing not to like. I'm happy it's mine, and I hope that you'll find a nice one that suits you:)


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@qwerrie(1/5) tipped @millycf1976

Pizza is always a nice treat:)

The coffee grinder looks so vintage and I love the design on it.

It's lovely, indeed 😊

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The smell sensation when grinding coffee is great, I had the opportunity to do the whole process from the harvesting of the seed to the grinding and it is not the same as the coffee sold in the shops in terms of colour, mine was a lighter shade but still a delight, the memory remains from years ago, you are making good memories when grinding your coffee with this little machine that is beautiful.

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