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RE: I like winding and grinding

Manual coffee grinders have their charm. Perhaps because they remind me of the old forms of the large coffee plantations, perhaps with the song of nature and the sun just rising.
I have ground coffee manually, as you turn the crank you think...I think it's part of that ritual.
The electric ones are fast and without the use of effort. I have an electric one, it's just a plug-in. So I can grind coffee three or four times a day, just before drinking it.
Your grinding is very decorative, the design is very artistic. I hadn't seen one like that.
Thanks for sharing, @millycf1976.


Thank you 😊

They remind me of the old forms of the large coffee plantations, perhaps with the song of nature and the sun just rising.

Certainly, it's that vintage flair that attracted us too.

I have an electric one, it's just a plug-in. So I can grind coffee three or four times a day, just before drinking it.

That's the best way to grind the coffee as needed.

I had a powerful electric one when I lived in the Philippines, but now, I'm enjoying the novelty of winding and grinding:)))

Old traditions and the things that remember them are undoubtedly very special.
We have allowed ourselves to be displaced by the rush of modern days and we have let them steal part of that charm from us.
Thanks to you ☺️

We have allowed ourselves to be displaced by the rush of modern days and we have let them steal part of that charm from us.

Well said and so very true!🤗

That's right 🤗