We all know that health is wealth but despite knowing this, so many people don't take care of their health and it's probably because it's not something they see physically, unlike money. Some people only pay attention to their health when something starts going wrong in their bodies. You're having serious headaches, and that's when you realize you're going through so much stress and need to take a break. Your urine has an unnatural colour, that's when you realize you need to drink more water.
Before I move on to the main topic, do you know the colour of your urine tells you something about your body? The normal color of urine is amber or similar to champagne gold but if it starts looking like deep yellow or orange-yellow, then it's a sign that you're dehydrated and need to drink lots of water. But if it's looking like water itself, then you might want to reduce the amount of water you drink because it's already too much (too little is bad, too much is bad too). Since I learned about this back in secondary school, I have always paid attention to the colour of my urine. Oh, any other colour aside from the ones I mentioned (pink, reddish), then you should go for a medical checkup.
Anyway, our health should always be our topmost priority and we should always keep it in peak condition. A lot of health problems in the world today are connected to what goes into our digestive system every day. Diabetes, cancer, obesity, kidney failure, high blood pressure, and so on. So, why not try to prevent these problems before they even come up? In the past, I used to love fast food a lot and there was a time I used to be addicted to Coca-Cola. I couldn't go a day without taking at least a bottle of coke, but thank God I broke out of it. Fast foods contain a very high amount of 2 things; sugar and salt.
The amount of salt we need in a day is just around 5 grams (around one teaspoon) but I know this is what some people use just to fry plantain 😂 after that, you go out later in the evening to buy Pringles, the amount of salt in that thing is even more than 1 teaspoon. You might think it's not causing any problems now it eventually will later on if you continue that way. Some people can't go a day without consuming fast food, so my advice is to stop doing so now before it's too late. Too much salt in the body leads to a lot of health issues and the major one is high blood pressure.
Salt attracts water and this will cause your blood volume to increase, which is equivalent to a higher blood pressure. High blood pressure increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, and kidney problems. Your kidney will eventually be doing more work to filter out the excess salt from the blood and if there's one thing you shouldn't be doing to your kidney it's giving it too much work to do.
This one is another excess thing found in fast foods and it's even more excess than salt. I'm not going to talk much about this because I believe we already know why it's bad to consume too much sugar but I will still go over the negative effects just as a refresher. The main one is that it leads to weight gain, and this is me speaking from experience because I was once a very fat kid 😅. Another thing is that it leads to diabetes and I believe this one is already obvious. Then just like salt, it can also increase the chances of heart disease, which isn't surprising because they are practically siblings.
The solution?
If you're the type of person who likes their mouth to be moving every time, always chewing on something and your answer is fast food because it's fast (hence the name), why not settle for fruits? This is one thing that many people overlook, and it's a shame because fruits have a hell lot of benefits. I also didn't pay much attention to fruits and will always consume fast foods but these days, I can't go a week without eating fruits on at least 3 different days and this is even because there's no shop selling fruits in my neighbourhood but back in the university, I always pass by a lot of fruit sellers whenever I'm returning from school.
The beauty of fruits is that they contain low fat and very few calories but have a lot of nutrients, as compared to fast food. Medium-sized shawarma contains more calories than 10 apples, and you can eat 2 shawarma without being filled, but can you finish 10 apples at a go? This makes fruits ideal for people trying to lose weight or stay in shape because you can eat a lot of them without accumulating lots of calories, but can we say the same about fast foods? Fruits help to boost your immune system, which protects you against infections and diseases.
Another very important thing about fruits is that they contain lots of vitamins and minerals which you may likely not get from the food you eat every day or you get very little quantity of them. Vitamins and minerals play a lot of very important roles in our body, from brain functions to skin improvement. The absence of certain vitamins and minerals in the body can lead to problems such as anaemia, weakness, eye problems, bone disorders, and so much more. I did a course back in the university on this topic but I won't be going into much detail about it. The important thing you should know is that you should always try to take as much fruits as possible and reduce your intake of fast food, your future self will thank you for it.
Thanks for reading
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