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RE: Suasage-Doughnut Recipe.

in Hive Learners8 months ago

Yummy recipe indeed 😋
The only ingredients left for me if I want to prepare this are Sausage and Yeast. I have others in the house.
This is amazing 👏


You can get both for a thousand naira and that should be enough for just you and me.

It would be great to try this out during the holiday or are you traveling?

Hahaha. You and me 😄

Buy sausage and yeast today 😌😌😌

I came back to this post because I want to try it out today
Don't come for me because I won't give u😌😌

🤣🤣🤣🤣 Nkem wants to try something out? Amazing...interesting 😄😄
Sha do video and upload oo 🙄😌

Who video help
Princess want to mock me for this disaster I am about trying
No be me and you..I jump and pass 🤣