As usual for the event activity that makes me arrive so late at home, I'll post the blog the next day (today). Why so late? I was going to Comic Frontier 19 at ICE BSD Tangerang on Saturday, November 9, 2024. I woke up at 05:45 and got ready to queue for Comifuro 19. I'm using a train to get there and will continue with a free shuttle bus to the event place. When I arrived at 08:37, it was already full of people in queue 😂.

The queue started at 06:00 and the gate opened at 09:00. I queued for 1 hour and 15 minutes to get in the halls. At the start, I'm ready to walk to some booths on my wish list like Ghosty's Comic and Kyou Hobby Shop to buy merchandise for me or my friends. Time goes by and the venue crowded way more than usual. I noticed a heavy rain outside that trapped people from going out to the park area. Sometimes there are photo sessions outside of the venue because the venue is full of people walking around.

Lunchtime! I managed to book a table for me and my friends to meet up and eat together. The queue for food and beverages was long. I even need around 10-20 minutes to buy something that's worth to eat 😂.

From my Instagram Story
IG: @cursephantom
Around 17:00 the rain eased and some of us continued to have dinner on AEON Mall first before we went home. We're going to Ichiro Ramen which has a speciality to get a free ramen and ocha refill 🤤. After exhaustion from walking around and having fun at Comic Frontier 19, We're eating very delightfully to fill up our belly 😆. I asked for a three-times refill = eating 4 portions of this ramen.

It's a coincidence that we meet another friend who's going to another event which is Indonesia Comic Con in AEON Mall. Well, this mall has many good restaurants so it becomes a good place for lunch or dinner.

It's a full day of walking and talking with so many friends. I also meet up with a new face because I just know some people from a Discord Server only. All of us meet in a community made by shiroe_kurumi. We have the same interests which are Japanese stuff and also all of us are from the same university tho we're not in the same generation. The oldest one in there is me 🤔, Shiroe is 3 years younger than me, and the youngest member is 7 years younger than me 😂. The age gap isn't a problem if we have the same interest 😂.

I went back around 22:00. Luckily, there was still a train active at that time. I arrived home around 23:05. Bath and immediately went to sleep.

The haul from Comic Frontier 19 Part 1

The haul from Comic Frontier 19 Part 2
Create memories before we're separated by our busy lives. Memory lives forever.
Have a nice day everyone!