Feeling the burn

in Galenkp's Stuff3 months ago


One cool judgment is worth a thousand hasty counsels. The thing to do is to supply light and not heat.

- Woodrow Wilson -

The last couple days have been really hot here, over 40°C (104F), and I'm not keen on it which translates to, I fucken hate it. Being born and raised in Australia means I'm used to it however, I've lived and worked in very hot climates and still life and the job gets done but it's just not something I've ever liked; hot weather I mean.

The last couple days I've been in air conditioned environments which is cool, figuratively and literally speaking, but there's times I've had to go outside and that's not cool at all and I'll admit my tolerance for extremely hot temperatures seems to be much lower than in the past; Sunday was bad but Monday was totally fucked because it was somewhat humid as well and that drives me over the edge from, I don't like it, to being, ready to fucken kill someone. Nope, hot weather and I don't get along well at all these days.

On Sunday night we went for a walk on the beach in the evening which was nice still fucken hot and chatted about how different weather patterns are now when compared to when we were younger. There's many reasons, some probably not even remotely true and others spot on, but either way there's no hiding from the fact the weather we have now is far removed from what we experienced in the past; it's not just the eat though. This change makes it colder, windier, rainier, snowier, drier and generally more fucked than it used to be. What can we do? Well, there's not much to do but live with it, adapt and get on with life I suppose...But, I don't have to like it.

How has the weather changed in your location and how have you adapted? Do you experience more temperature or condition changes, have you liked how it's changed or not? Feel free to comment if you'd like to.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

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The weather is changing and there's not much to be done but to prepare for those changes. In my neck of the woods the summers used to be much more predictable with every afternoon rains you could set your watch by, now they are sporadic at best. Winters used to be, and still are for the most part, mild and dry, though the instances of rain are a bit more frequent. The violence of the storms are frightening, but it has always been so.

The heat...that shit can fuck right the hell off. When the rains were reliable in summer, we used to go boating on the lake after work as the rains washed away the heat and humidity. It hasn't been great since the 2000's or so. We moved off of the lake and sold the boats, so now I guess we're landlubbers lol

Yep, prepare and deal with it. I've lived here all my life so know what Australian summers can be like (amazingly different depending on where in Australian one is. I'll live, but I'll rarely pass up a chance to say fuck you heat so took the opportunity; I like your style too...heat should be told to fuck off often.

I guess being on the lake cooled things down a little?

Yeah, cooled it down a great deal. There was a big group of folks that had boats out there and we'd go to an underwater beach where we could congregate and swim. When the weather started becoming unpredictable, everyone left off going out in the evening, the gators moved in and that's all she wrote lol.

Do you get snow anywhere in Australia?

Yep, it snows here in several places like the Victorian high country, New South Wales, Tasmania, and The Australian Capital Territory. There's ski fields and all. It's not a super long season though and snow in the cities of those States/Territory isn't really a thing.

Short season is okay as long as you get there in time to ski when the snow is there. I don't ski, so FL is okay with me

I don't ski either, not on snow anyway, did some water skiing here and there.

It's my belief that like everything else, weather is a cycle. There have been much hotter and much cooler periods in the past. and it looks like we've survived. I dislike the cold and the heat as well, and we don't get much in the way of either extreme here, so I suppose I'm in the right place.
I see someone refer to ads in the comments. What ads?

Yeah, we're heading into an ice age...we just have to wait a while and in the meantime the weather will do what it does.

Advertisements on Peakd.


Ah, I see. Thanks. I don't use that interface.
Yes indeed, the iceman cometh and they have most of us convinced to the contrary.

last month when we did not have water and were not heating the house or heating with electricity the weather was not too cold. Few days ago here we had a bit of snow, yesterday it was raining very heavily. But the temperature is still nice. +6 today. +8 a day after tomorrow. It seems to be warmer than usual. I don't mind that-perhaps we will save on heating cost.

Oh yeah, for those in places where the temperature goes very low having it a little warmer can be a good thing, save on heating costs as you say. Conversely, here when it's super hot we run our air conditioners and up goes our power bills. I have a solar system though so am able to save a fair amount on electricity costs.

I remember hot summers and cold winters here in the Balkans where I live.
Just 15-20 years ago, winters were much colder, with more snow than in recent years. summers were warm, and if there were hot days, they were few.
Last winter we almost didn't have any, and the summer was too hot and that heat lasted a long time...
In such a short period, of only 10-15-20 years, climate changes are very noticeable in our country too...
I have a feeling that the temperature has risen by 5-10 °C.
We hardly feel the cold during the winter, and we barely survive the summer (constantly in an air-conditioned space, except when we escape to nature).
Fucked up, right? We've set the planet on fire, and we're slowly turning it into hell...

Fucked up indeed, and humans have themselves to blame. The planet changes little by little, always has, but the changes due to human input have happened so fast in the last 150 years...won't go well for us.

I don't feel like we get the same amount of snow that we used to in the past. It seems like the heavier stuff pushes further south and we just get cold temperatures. We also seem to get a lot more wind that we used to. I'm not opposed to the belief that weather patterns are cyclical, but I also feel that humans are having an adverse effect on those natural patterns.

The planet will do its own thing just as it's done long before we got here, but human nutbaggery is making things worse in ways the planet has never had to deal with in the past. It won't go well for humans.

That's a sad but true thought!


The changes in Singapore are likely not as extreme as other parts of the world, but we do have stronger winds and heavier downpours lately. Hope it doesn't get worse.

It'll get worse, I'm pretty sure if it. The planet will keep doing whatever it wants to because that's what planets do and, as evidence shows us, the planet has been very brutal in the past...and will again. And then, when a meteor hits, it'll reset everything and we'll all be gone, like what happened to the dinosaurs.

Yeah, I remember Western Australia's temperatures—they’re not fun. It's so much different to Canada. It's way too cold (-6C) for my liking, especially when it starts raining and gets windy. We’re moving quickly south, so the body can’t adjust to the temperatures. So it can be a challenge, but the hot temperatures definitely make me lazy, at least Western Australia is under the Equator and you can get some nice weather system from the Southern Ocean that brings in cool air. The Indonesian part close to the Equator is hell, sleeping in your own sweat and you can really only work or do anything in the morning or evening, it would be similar to Darwin's Summer and I'm sure you know how bad that is.

Summers in Darwin are not pleasant especially if one has flown up there from the south and dropped right into it without the chance to acclimatise. I loved in Cairns, Queensland for a while and it's the same as Darwin is on the summer months.

I'm used to the weather here but doesn't mean I like the heat. Life goes on though.

Hi Galen, in recent years, perhaps since the 90's, the climate in Madrid has been getting warmer. I guess something logical in a city that does not stop growing, with more asphalt, more urban traffic, more heaters in winter, more air conditioners in summer, etc. I could not say if there are more reasons that explain the change of climate here.

The adaptation for me is simple, flee from Madrid in August and wear less clothes in winter.

Best regards.

It's a compounding problem, all the elements combined circling around each other and pushing things farther along. It'll not go well but there's enough people putting their heads in the sand to ignore it that nothing will get done to arrest the decline. The same economically.

I couldn't agree more. Besides, decadence seems inevitable to me, considering that the managers who should be in charge of dealing with the problems are only experts in public relations and image.

It is what it is, and I don't want to live in anger. But the decadence, at least in Europe, also the moral one, seems to be irreversible. That said, I hope you have a good end of the day.

It is what it is, and I don't want to live in anger.

That sums it up really. They keep pushing the responsibility for change onto individuals (people like you and I) but corporations and countries destroy the environment more each day than you or I could in a lifetime...so change is not really possible, just an illusion governments and corporations like to weave to satisfy casual scrutiny. It's laughable. So yeah, no point living in anger about it, just get on with life I guess...you and I will be dead long before the world nose dives into the abyss and the poor fuckers left behind will have to deal with it.

We have also talked about it in other occasions, there is a whole mind control machinery that drives people in a certain direction. And the use of guilt is key, it is the way to become a herd. It's so obvious... not so many years ago I was quite angry about all this. My attitude has changed... I guess not having kids makes it easier for me to be more relaxed. Although I don't understand the “irresponsibility” of so many parents, who think that blind obedience, “being good”, leads to a good end.

I guess not having kids makes it easier for me to be more relaxed. Although I don't understand the “irresponsibility” of so many parents, who think that blind obedience, “being good”, leads to a good end.

It's like you're in my head. I agree.

I guess it's a question of age. We see life differently, we were brought up differently.

Yep, different focus and our thoughts come from a different place and perspective I suppose.

It seemed when I was growing up, there really were 4 distinct seasons, each lasting a couple of months before the weather started waffling back and forth as it began to turn to a new season. The summers were hot, but mostly not blistering. The winters were cold with a few random snows, but not many times below the 20s (F), just a few.

Now it seems that winter and summer are longer and spring and fall don't last as long.... or that is how it seems to me. The spring starts to show up, but the wonderful mildness is shorter and the same for the fall.

Winter is my least favorite and luckily for me, the last 3 seemed milder than what has been the norm. Not sure what we are in for this winter, but some very cold weather snaps have shown up earlier than usual. I'll be indoors hibernating till it's over...LOL!

On another note, I think I don't like seeing ads while reading and commenting on people's posts. That was one really nice thing about Hive before, no annoying ads.

Hope you find ways to stay cool enough to keep you from lashing out. LOL....

Yeah, things are changing from a weather perspective and with the adds? Well, it's shit no matter where they are. So annoying, tacky and fucken dumb.

It seems some folks blame any weather change on global warming and what do I know, but from things I've read over the years, even before shouting global warming showed up, the weather has been changing and changing since the world began.

I saw a thing in snaps where you could turn the ads off last night and I went immediately and turned them off. Turns out though, from what I'm seeing, that it may turn them off from showing on MY posts, but it does not stop me from seeing them on other people's posts. That could be a deal breaker for me.

Yep, the world will do what it does as it's been since the world began and will continue well after humans are gone, we're just changing it in different ways, accelerating the process.

With the ads, yep I turned it off too. It's a disgusting intrusion. No ads was one of the great things about this place and now a small group of people chose to add them in...well, I tend to agree with you. It's the same as that group adding in AI elements. Total shit.

I know AI can do fun things, but I like real photos better as far as being interesting to me. We can blame it on me being old ! Get off my yard ! ha ha

This morning or last night I was making a comment and the page kept jumping every time the add changed. Ugh !

Well, weather here ain't friendly either and I've also been part of chats where we remember it isn't used to be like this as we compare with the past with the past, like you I hate hot and humidity in the weather, the weather, my country can be very hot and humid can be so hot and humid, sometimes it feels like we are been slowly but firmly cooked in some kind of giant humid microwave. I hate it and haven't been able to adapt, I sweat a lot and that bothers me we I'm at a task that requires cool enviorenment and mind, or when I'm trying to get some sleep and there's no electricity to cool the room. They say Cuba is an endless summer, from that angle, fuck summer!!...oh, and hi by the way, luckily now we have a cool weather for once. Greetings.

Luckily you have some cooler weather, hopefully it lasts.

Yes, it's terrible to be so hot.
I remember as a child I slept under a mosquito net and felt a little hot at first and then it cooled down all night, I also lived in a house with a high roof and tiles, it was cool in the summer and cold in the winters...I guess it had something to do with it....
Now we live under a lot of concrete and lower houses, but it is also true that every year, or certain years the tempraruras have been going up one degree, two and so on....
Around here between temperature and humidity it's horrible how it feels, especially in August, it's like burning your skin...

Luckily in this season it cools down a lot .... it feels great...
Climate change they say...

I'm not sure I believe all the climate change hype as I think a lot of it is made up to drive revenue towards various sectors although there's certainly been some change.

I understand you perfectly, the heat is less tolerable than the cold. Here in Cuba now in the middle of December we are hot. So much so that we long for the cold in December and this year it is hot. The weather everywhere in the world has undergone inexplicable changes. I think this year the coats will not come out of the closet and we will spend the end of the year in the heat. So dear @galenkp don't despair we have no choice but to look for alternatives to feel in nice and cool places like the beach. Happy week. 🤗😘

The beach is awesome...except all that sand, it gets everywhere and drives me bonkers!

In most parts of the world the climate has changed for the worse... factors are intensifying. Here in particular the conditions have been maintained but it is true that it practically does not rain, the mountains in the north ensure that what happens in the rest of Spain does not arrive and the sea levels the temperature, it is like living under a dome. But I know that where I lived before, the changes have been disastrous and worse and very bad... bad... bad.

Which country you've visited had the best weather?

Where I am right now in Spain, I wouldn't change this climate, it's quite stable. Argentina is a disaster.

A friend of mine wanted to go to Australia for 3-5 years to go and experience the life outside of our little country and to live in an exotic climate.

He came back after 1 year and just said that the heat and humidity combination would've killed him if he had stayed for another year.

We live in a cold climate

Haha, yeah it can be quite terrible in places. I'm not sure where he went but most of Australia can get very hot, sometimes (in places) into the 50's. It takes some getting used to.

The weather has been hot lately, it even rained last week which is unusual.

Yeah, Stange huh?


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Hi. How are you.
Just to let you know. "najidulislam" was removed from our blacklist.
Keeps complaining in our Discord :-)

As you know, I'm not part of Hivewatchers so him complaining there won't help him.

Yeah. I guessed so :-)

People choose their own actions just as this character you mention chose to act in a manner that got him on the blacklist (I didn't know he was on it actually). He can choose to get on with things and stop complaining like a little girl who lost her Barbie doll, or he can keep complaining.

Just as he can choose his actions, so can others which is what I will be doing.