It's my first post to @worldmappin. After seeing it's transformed from Pinmapple and listening to talk about it Hive Fest, I was seeing chance to post to it.
Last week, with my family I visited a friend of ours who has vineyard in Selzen, Hessen in Germany. My partner's relatives produce wine in southern Germany and I joined wine harvest ten years ago. It was a relaxed wonderful experience on a sunny autumn day and I wanted to visit our friend's vineyard too for a while. Then it happened finally!
We had lunch with his family with local sparkling wine and white wine. I took a break from being a vegetarian (quite frequent these days 😅) and tried Fleischwurst, a local special sausage. It fit well with the wine. My daughter was also happy with the big fluffy Fleischwurst.
After the lunch, we went up a hill to visit the vineyard. The view from the vineyard was great and even we could see skyscrapers in Frankfurt.
Here, we also had wine. Our friends took a bottle of Federweißer, young wine still fermentation process going on. We took short walk as it was a quite fresh day.
Then we moved to a winery Binzel, where also the grapes from our fiends' vineyard is processed. The size of the machines and tanks were impressive.
The son from the winery offered us young wine of this year and their specialty wine aged in oak barrels. The young one is fresh and ........... the one from the oak barrel was amazing. I'm not a wine professional but I must say it was the most impressive and tastiest red wine I had in my life. It was Spaetburgunder (German name of Pinot Noir) wine with fine oak scent. I ordered two bottles after I came back to home. I couldn't wait for the arrival 😊
In the end of the day, we went dinner to a local restaurant. Of course, we had wine. I chose vegetarian dish but small one of course chose sausage. The wine was made of Silvaner with fresh sweetness like apple. It was sweet but fit well with local dishes. That's the magic of regional food and wine.
That's my first visit to the wine region Selzen in Hessen. I'm happy to visit there anytime again 🍷
初めて @worldmappin に投稿します。PinmappleからWorldmappinになり、その後Hive Festでトークを聞いて、投稿するチャンスをうかがっていました。
ワイン畑を散歩して、友人がぶどうを加工してもらっているワイナリー Binzel を見学させてもらいました。機械やタンクの大きさは圧巻。
一日の終わりには近隣の街のレストランで夕食をとりました。もちろん、ワインも。私はベジタリアンを選びましたが、子供はもちろんソーセージ 😁 ワインはシルヴァーナーというぶどうから作られたもので、リンゴのような新鮮な甘さがありました。かなりの甘口で、普段は甘い飲み物を飲みながら食事はしないのですが、地元の料理と合ってびっくり。地域の食とワインのマジックですね。