Assets of the Future - Farmland Is Not An Asset

in LeoFinance9 months ago


Farmland, is it the the most secure investment? Especially when you think a food shortage is coming?

Well, Gilly Bates thinks so and is buying up lots of American farmland. They Chinese think so, and are buying up even more of America's farmland.

When Americans hear about how much farmland they are buying up, many people are shocked, and say, we should be doing something about that.

However, it really doesn't matter. America really doesn't have any farmland.

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The state of American farmland

America's largest export by tonnage is top soil.
Washed out down the Mississippi river where it poisons the gulf of mexico with all the herbicides and pesticides, creating a huge dead zone.

Every inch of top soil takes 100s of years for nature to create. We should be stopping this destruction, but farmers are encouraged to continue this practice.

Today, we mine the soil. And most of America's farmland is mined out.

This is what happens when you use chemical fertilizers and till everything under each year. In doing so, the soil is destroyed. The microbes that actually turn powdered rock into soil, are no longer living. The soil is almost dead, and almost depleted of nutrients.

Right now, harvests are way down from what they used to be. And soon, there will barely be any harvest at all.

So, foreigners or Gilly Bates buying it all up is not really that concerning. It is already dead. They spent money on a lot of nothing.

What is concerning is that we need to change our agricultural practices post haste.

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Regenerative agriculture

How do we fix the land? Ruminants. Yes, that is right. Cows. (the thing that Gilly Bates says is destroying the environment)

The cycle of life is what is needed to create top soil. The cows eating the grass and shitting all over the place. The microbes breaking down the shit into the soil. The shit giving more energy to plants to grow stronger, feeding more cows.

And man can aid in this.

  • By rotating his cattle through pastures, so the cows do not overgraze and destroy the grasses/land.
  • Adding bio-char. A substance as old as time, that gets into the soil and holds water and gives a place for microbes to live and thrive.
  • Breeding microbes in aerated tubs, and then spraying this composte tea and microbes all over the land that needs rejuvinating.
  • Adding seed for growing things that are good for the cows to eat, and good for building the soil.

This takes a lot of work, and so, is something that most farmers will not do, especially large corporation farms. So, tiny farms, who really want to care for their land, are following these practices and making feet of top soil and better crops and better cattle.

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Farmland as real estate investment

So, you see that farmland isn't just some land, where you buy it, and then just grow food.
It may have been that way.

And the banksters sold it as that way. Mortgaging a farm to a farmer, so the first bad harvest, they just take it back and sell it to the next sucker.

The farmland actually belongs to the farmer. The one who is keeping it, maintaining it, and making it better. But, the banksters and kings turned this upside down. The king owns the land, and the peasants work it and give parts of their crops to the king.

The farm really belonged to the farmer. The king may have earned something by protecting them, but the king saying he owned the land, was just the royalty stealing by brute force, what was really the farmers'.

In the future, Gilly Bate's claims on a land, and foreigners' claims on a land will be ignored. And so will yours, if you buy land for farming and do not care for it.

Things change so much in the future. The entire idea of every piece of land has to be owned. It would be much better if most pieces of property had a border of vacant land around it.

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So, if you plan to buy farmland, because you hear that food shortages are coming and you can make money off that, then just don't.

Starving people for your profit is just bad karma. Over time, you will have less and less say over "your" real estate. And there won't be people with lots of money to buy it from you. (We are entering a depression, and although food will be sky high, everything else will be cheap)

All that said, buying a piece of farmland you intend to turn into a homestead is a great plan.
The best way to avoid paying higher food prices is by growing your food yourself.

Farmland, by itself, is not an asset.
And our entire idea that farmland was an asset, just show us how sick the banksters made our society.

Fortunately, the days of a little farms and farmers is going to be making a comeback.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.