I have often advised people to buy food. Have food stored. At least a three month supply. This is just good practice. Being prepared for things that will happen, like natural disasters. Floods, Tornadoes, Earthquakes can leave you cut off from food deliveries, even if they happen hundreds of miles away.
The thing that has changed this year is that real estate and stocks will (most likely) do very bad.
The real estate market has passed the peak and is now, like Wile E. Coyote, is now realizing that there is no ground under his feet. For housing to be affordable, at today's interest rates and income levels, house prices need to fall 50%.
In the stock market, alarm bells are ringing. Many CEO have sold their stock. They know something is up. They lay-offs, the stores closing, are all saying we are in a depression (not just a recession) and the stock market is way over valued. Again, it is just standing there in mid-air, realizing this.
Sooooo, buy food, and sell the stocks and real estate.

The Real Estate Market
The only people buying houses are rich. People are still buying expensive houses, often for cash. This has skewed the mean house price upwards. The usual metric we watch is useless.
It is not that just that the higher priced houses are the ones selling, it is also that the cheap (relatively, they are way overpriced) houses are not selling. So, the mean house price is way up. What real estate investors usually watch to see how the housing market is going. And so, there are many pundits saying the housing market is great, and you should buy a house now before the prices go up even more.
But, as usual, the pundits are lying.
The housing market is going to crash, like 2008. Even more, it is going to keep crashing. There is nothing to keep it up. Demographics show that it is all down hill from here. Soon, ¼ of houses will be vacant and on the market. Add that to high interest rates, and people with real jobs going down. The housing prices will need to drop 50% to start seeing buyers again.
Unfortunately, the housing market falls slowly. And so, by the time they drop 50%, they will need to drop 50% from there as we will be in a full on depression at that time.
If you have investment property, i would sell… however, it may be better to just ride it into the scene of the crash. Because banks are going to close and take your money with them. So, moving into cash won't work either. Nor will moving into the stock market.

The stock market
Sooooo many of the people i watch who are good at analyzing the market are saying that stocks are going to crash. "Buy my bear market course" Make money going down.
TPTshouldn'tB are planning to crash the market, as they always do at a time of reset. And then scoop of everything for pennies. They plan to crash the banks. And they already have Powell cranking up the interest rates to increase unemployment. Hurt the little people is their plan.
Crash the market, and then give "special" bonds to all the retirees who were in the stock market. The pain that is coming…
Along with this "nice, simple, crash" we are looking at other forces that will destroy the stock market.
First, there are way too many ghost shares being traded on the market. I estimate there is about 5 shares being traded for each real share that is available on the market. When this is found out, it will shut down the market, probably for a decade while they figure out who owns what.
Of course they will say CEDE and Company owns them all, or Blackrock owns them all. Of course rots-child holding companies own all the preferred shares. People will be threatening to riot, and they will back off of this, and try to figure out what piddly amount they can give the small people so that they do not take wall street apart brick by brick.
And after that, corporation are doomed. There will be no big, multinational, don't care about the environment corporations in business in 50 years. All the Bigs will be toast. No one will do business with them.
So, the stock market will be gone, and then stocks will be gone.

The Food market
Someone is systematically taking down food processing plants.

The growing seasons are not working out as they used to. Crops are not growing well, not yeilding well. That we aren't in famine right now is a mystery, and i see signs that media is covering up this huge piece of news.
Even without knowing what is really going on, food prices are rising fast. Holes are appearing on grocery store shelves. The indicators are saying that there are real shortages coming.
So, stock up on food. Get at least 30 days supply of what you eat. Buy what you eat, store what you eat. Buy an extra can or two of what you already eat each shopping trip. Soon you will have a stash. You need at least a months worth of food to get past whatever those mother WEFers are going to throw at us.
After you get 30 days worth of food in your pantry, look at getting to 3 months, and then to 12 months.
Eat what you buy - buy what you eat.
And food, right now, is the safest, cheapest investment. And may beat out gold this year for ROI. It may beat out bitcoin, if bitcoin slumps near the end of this year. (before the usual bull market the year after the halving) But one thing is for sure, unlike gold, you can eat this investment.

Stock Markets are going to crash, fall over, and turn to dust.
Real Estate, especially near blue cities, will be left empty, abandoned.
If you aren't storing food, and working on growing your own food, getting away from the grocery store system, T.H.E.Y. have plans to make you eat ze bugs.
And, you will eat ze bugs, because the other choice is to starve.