Ooh, that sounded sufficiently dramatic! A total intriguing win for a title that is!
Truly, there is nothing super over the top in this post, but I do tend to get pretty excited about repurposing things, retrofitting recipes to meet dietary requirements, and retaining a bit of pocket money because I make snacks from scratch instead of buying the over-processed, highly priced, shrinkflationary offerings at the store.
I might be the most passionate about that last point, at least one could assume that by the vehemence in my words.
Anyway, I like to adapt, mostly out of frugality, but honestly I love the challenge of making do and using what you have to achieve one's aims. So, one thing I did today was whip up some homemade Chex mix for the fam. It turned out rather yummy, not that I can eat it, but hey, at least someone can!
The other item of cookery that happened was for tonight's game night adventure. I made @jacobtothe some double chocolate, dairy-free cookies. I know those taste good because my son came back for more before leaving to help a buddy wire speakers in his new car.
The final item of re-purposing involved the boy as well. He is in management at a local fast food restaurant, and when he closes in the middle of the night, he often will bring home certain comestibles that would just get thrown out. The hubs loves the snacks, me, I love the containers! They have lids! They are amazing!
What's really amazing about them is that I am itching to start growing microgreens again, as I just got a massive package of microgreen seeds from Pinetree Seeds in the mail with my YUGE seed order for the year. I am going to use those little containers as microgreen sprouting and growing trays!
I believe they will work perfectly because I can use the lids to aid in sprouting and they will fit nicely on my window above the kitchen sink. I plan to start one a week for the next four weeks and restart the original started tray once the greens are eaten for a continuous rotation of fresh microgreens.
This development and aim brings me a bit of joy during this dark, grey time of year. Just thinking about having little sprouts to gaze upon in my kitchen does my garden-deprived heart so much good.
I mean, I do have plants growing about the house, but it's just not the same.
Perhaps this project, along with all my other progress on this front today, will help realign my attitude.
Time will tell...
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