I like to eat everything, except...

in Weekend Experiences4 months ago

When someone who can eat almost everything on the menu says there's a dish he doesn't like to eat, believe me, that's something really extreme.

Thay asks me: "What do you like to eat?". I usually say: "Everything", because I consider myself an omnivore.

I have eaten traditional Balkan and Turkish cuisine, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Slovak, German, Czech, Italian, French, Spanish, Arabic...
And I didn't find anything I didn't like.

But when I saw the topic that #galenkp posted for this week, I remembered that there are some foods or dishes in my life, to which I said "No".

I'm surprised I didn't remember to share this topic here sooner. It's probably a matter of lack of inspiration, but we're lucky, there's galenkp who finds us with great topics every week...

But, let me start...
In my life, two things that I, of all others, avoided in my childhood, and that repulsion has remained until today mentioned, is unacceptable to me.

The first one, which makes me want to throw up when I taste it on my palate - cream from warmed milk.
When I feel the scum that begins to collect on the surface of the cup of warm milk, pour over my lips and touch my tongue, I feel instantly nauseous.
It's some kind of urge that I can't control, even though I've put all sorts of things into that same mouth. Both raw and tasteless and smelly and alive...
But cream from warm milk, never.
When that same cream is collected from warm milk, cooled and a little salted, it's my favorite spread.
It's contradictory, but it's true.

I'm lucky that my parents realized that the cream from the warm milk made me want to vomit, so they didn't insist that I drink it without first treating it with a small strainer, through which I strained the milk before drinking it.

Even today, when I drink milk, I wait for it to cool down. and I drink it only after removing the cream from the surface and straining it.
Although, today I drink industrial milk, so processed and to such an extent without milk fat that the cream on the surface is barely visible.
It is no longer the home-made, full-fat milk that I drank in my childhood.

And other food. which absolutely fits this week's topic: What is the one food you hate but were made to eat as a child?
for the reason that I was forced to eat it, even though I didn't like it: Tomato soup.

Let's face it, I love tomatoes in any form, fresh (that way at most, even if I can pick them in my garden and eat them fresh), dried, as juice... I also love soups. With noodles, with dumplings, various soups, with vegetables and meat, only with vegetables or only with meat... But when soup is prepared with tomato juice, and when someone pours it on my plate (because I will never do that voluntarily with my own hand ), I am reliving the trauma of that taste from my childhood.

In childhood, mother often cooked tomato soup.
My father loved tomato soup, my mother and brother love it, only I hated tomato soup..
But when it was cooked, I had to eat at least one plate, because, for God's sake, "You have to eat something with a spoon for lunch".😂
When I grew up and moved away from my parents, I had the rare opportunity to have tomato soup on my plate.
Although, today my taste has changed a little, it's not the one of children, when the acid from tomatoes bothered me.
Today, I can cope with a plate without much trouble, unlike in my childhood, when a plate of tomato soup was an obstacle for me to continue my lunch and which I ate with great difficulty.
They say tomato soup is great for hydrating after a night of drinking, but I wasn't a drunk as a little boy 🙂
Even today, I don't drink so much that I need hangover medicine in the morning, but even when I happen to overdo it with alcohol, I have my own methods of treatment, I would only eat tomato soup if it was the only one in the world.


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I'm on the eat-everything team, but you reminded me that I hate tomato juice. I remember that dislike coming from childhood when I tried tomato juice in school. After that I have never tried again, as that occasion always comes to mind.

It's funny because I consume tomato in any other variant. 🤔

I remember in my youth, I got drunk on orange juice vodka.
For years after that, I couldn't smell orange juice🤢
If it's been years since that tomato juice incident of yours, try another sip. maybe your taste has recovered 🙂

I better not try it. There are hundreds of other flavors to drink a juice. On the other hand, although I like tomato, it is forbidden to me by medical prescription. 😢

I'm sorry you can't eat tomatoes. It is a healthy food.

Tomatoes, like all vegetables, are very healthy but I am forbidden acidic foods. 🤷