Finding a Takyong or "Helicostyla daphinis" an Exotic Filipino Dish

Hello there my lovely hivers, how's life lately? I hope you're all doing great. I'm excited to share our journey getting a takyong.

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It happened last2 month, it was just a random day that my classmate wanted to eat takyong and I was so curious about what it tasted like.

All of my classmates agreed that we would cook takyong in our room, so they got a takyong around our school because there are some trees there.


I joined them in finding "takyong" because it was my first time actually getting them, even though I’d seen them many times before and never really paid attention to them.


We're about to explore this backyard of our school, when we first saw takyong I was so happy because it was more than one and I was the one who got it from the tree.

It was so hard to find because they were hiding from leaves.


The place was filled with so many trees, it was so greenery.


We're looking for more takyong, and I don't feel tired at all I got more excited when I saw a takyong. I got jealous if they takyong easily.


To find takyong you must look up at the leaves and inspect the trees.


On our way back to our school, we stumbled upon this beautiful flower so I took a picture of it so I could search what is the name of this flower. It is called "Leea manillensis".


We forgot to bring plastic for the "takyong", so we just held them with our hands, and our hands got wet because of their saliva HAHAHHAHAHH.



We headed back to school, and when we got there, you could see the "takyong" we collected resting in our hands. Since we didn’t have plastic, we were just holding them in our palms the whole time.


They grilled the "takyong" that we got right away and let us taste them, and it was so good.


They really cooked it well, making it a bit spicy, and I swear it was so yummy. It was my first time eating this kind of food, and the seasoning was just perfect.


Then they also cooked some bananas.

That's all for today's blog my lovely hivers, I hope you like reading my blog. Thankyou for sparing time till the end of my blog. Godbless, Have a great day.


Oh we also eat this!
Cooked in coconut oil, a lot of chili and perfect!

We called it taklong

Though now, we just buy from the kids,

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I haven't tried taklong, and it got me curious, what a wonderful moment with you and your friends!