The road to the heart of man is food ~ African proverbs.
There are many things that matter in life and food is definitely one of them. As rightly posited, this week is for two, a factor that is considered because it is the week #222 for the #weekend-engagement prompt. Here, I will show you guys two food that I love to be restricted to for the rest of my life.
If you ask and African man, I mean a typical Igbo man like me about the food that can be evergreen in his memory and he can eat at any point in time of the day, then be rest assured that he would go for Akpu. This food can be served with different soups. Our ancestors ate much of this before foreign foods like rice started to cross the Atlantic Ocean to take over our markets.
Akpu is a saviour. Some people have ce to call it six- to-six because once eaten in the morning, it can keep you filled till in the evening except you are involved on a very tasking job. Apku is made from cassava, the most popular sub-Saharan tuber crop. A mature cassava is harvested after one year of planting it. Some species of the plant may be harvested after nine and six months respectively.
In some climes, akpu is referred to as Santana and in other places Loi-Loi, whatever that means I have not been able to phantom. Akpu is am energy-giving food and can be classified as carbohydrate. The reason why I settled with Akpu is that I feel comfortable to eat it anywhere and anytime. Normally, if I don't take this meal at least once in a day, I may fall sick. This is how much I have come to love my beloved Akpu.
During my semi-final year in school, a new cafeteria opened where they serve Akpu with cutlery (knife, spoon and fork). Since I went on a date with a beautiful lady, I could not hide the original me. Instead of struggling with the cutlery, my brother, I washed my hands with water and munched away while she looked at me with amazement. I saw her struggling too then advised that she joins me in using the natural cutlery, hand.
For me, once the soup can come in different shades, Akpu is better served anyway, anywhere and anytime. Believe!
Now the next, number two (2).
You must have heard about the debate going round on the internet. The millennium debate about Nigerian Jollof Rice been the most delicious across the globe. Yes. That's my next favourite meal and I can't stop eating it.
In some quarters, the Nigerian Jollof rice carries a lot of weight. It has in it all the classes of food that we'll prepare. For example, you can add carrots, hotdogs, fish, meat, and sometimes beans depending on what you want it to taste like. Now I can see that you are already silavsalivatingnot to worry, soon I will announce how I will host Hivers to a Jollof Rice Party.
A hot-served Nigerian Jollof Rice can turn away sorrow. This is not an exaggeration.
Don't get it twisted, the foods mentioned above are Nigerian's all-time legendary and favourite food.