What's in My Refrigerator? (week 246)

in Weekend Experiences28 days ago (edited)

I resisted the urge to rearrange, clean, or otherwise alter the appearance of my refrigerator. I hesistantly opened the door, took two quick shots, closed the door, and wondered if what I was about to do with those shots was really a good thing. But I said I'd do it, so here it is:

What's in my refrigerator?

fridge 3.jpg


This post has been inspired by @deirdyweirdy's post about her fridge. I will now compare and contrast my fridge with hers.

Before I open mine, have a look at hers.


I was struck by a few things about this refrigerator. First, it looks impossibly clean! Second, it is strangely empty of the type of foodstuffs most people in the US have in their iceboxes. There is also very little plastic in there, unlike most iceboxes in the US. Intriguingly to me, similar items are placed nearly equidistant apart. And lastly, there are very few unique items; only butter, eggs, distilled water, cheese, a few veggies, some treasured vinegar and a couple of prepared foods. Oh, and chlorine dioxide, "which no home should be without."

Now I ask you, where does this well-known prepper, who has been prepping since @galenkp was a wee one, keep most of her food, because it's obviously not in her fridge? I suspect (I know) there are freezers, root cellars, geodesic domes, under staircases, and the like somewhere else on her property.

Go read her post. As always, it's a hoot.


How does DeirdyWeirdy's compare with mine?

There is one thing that she and I agree on, and that both of us have plenty of:

BUTTER. I put butter on almost everything, as does she.

And something we both have little of:


And that, my friends, is where the similarities between our refrigerators ends.


On to a very candid look at my refrigerator.

Now that I have looked closely at the contents of my icebox, I have to say that I am embarrassed! There is stuff that has been in there for years and years! A counter top kit for Lion's Mane mushrooms, for instance, has been in there for three years, ever since the counter top kit for shiitake mushrooms produced exactly ZERO mushrooms. Do not buy those kits.

Then there's the door shelf of beverages that folks brought to my house for visits or parties that I do not drink. I guess I figure they will be back someday to drink them themselves.

A bulging (plastic) jug of apple cider from last apple season. I do not know why I bought it. I drink only one cup of coffee in the morning, and spring water for the rest of the day.


In the subtitle, I listed the more notable items in this first shot in clockwise order according to the arrows, and starting at twelve o'clock. In case there is one single person who really cares about what is in my fridge.

There are a few things I didn't provide arrows for:

  • a half gallon of raw milk
  • a drawer full of butter and cheese
  • a little bulb of edibles that has been in there more than two years
  • a jug of maple syrup
  • other fruits and veggies


Beginning at 12:00: my own bread and butter pickles, the counter kit for Lion's Mane mushrooms, old yogurt for the dog, raw meat food for the cats, turnips, my preserved lemons, my chicken broth, my pressure canned carrots, my newest batch of yogurt

The items in this shot are listed, in the subtitles, by the shelf from the top down.


From the top down: A shelf of ferments and pickles, given to me by friends, a shelf of beverages and condiments that other people have left at my house over the years, another shelf of ferments and pickles none of them mine, jams butters and one lonely store bought dozen eggs

I think I will go clean my fridge. It's more likely that I will put that task on The List and leave those Lion's Mane non-mushrooms right where they are for another year.


This post is in response to @galenkp's weekend engagement challenge. I chose the prompt "What's in your refrigerator?"

All the shots in this post, with the exception of one by @deirdyweirdy, are by my hand and were taken with my stupid phone.


Yep, we have what you call the typical U.S. refrigerator. It could use some organization like @deirdyweirdy's fridge. Although it could use some more natural and healthy content like yours. We don't necessaril eat all crap, but not as much natural food as we should.

Nice share. And definitely a very interesting prompt to cover. I think my refrigerator will be tough to truly take stock of what's in it.

Show us. And thanks.

Need get some permission from my wife. Showing our messy fridge online might get her coming after me with a chopper

That's probably wise. The chopper would make an interesting post though.

Ya'll's friges make you look like minimalists compared to mine which is over stuffed as I speak as I got a small order of groceries this morning and could barely fit in the refrigerated stuff. LOL I admit I have a thing or two that needs to be cleared out, but most of it is valid for my habits. I like having backup for certain things I use daily "just in case" I run out unexpectedly, so some of it is duplicated, but the whole thing is still full regardless.

Interesting to see in your frig. :)

Thanks! It was eye opening for me to do this. This one was further filled up later in the day by two organic cabbages (score! so I bought two, in case I run out unexpectedly), more butter (really do not ever want to run out of butter),some lettuce, and one cuke.

Looking at the photos of your fridge I feel this terrible urge to put everything into straight lines. Tidy fridge tidy mind, as they say:)
The contents aren't too shabby at all though and I'd venture to say not typical of a US icebox.
Now go clean your fridge!

You can come line up my stuff any time you like my dear. That would be such a treat!

You can come do ours when done with theirs.

Hey, do I have your permission to use that photo?

Of course you do!

Another butter and cheese gal...Woohoo. Love it!

Oh my goodness yes! I swear I get the bends when I haven't had cheese in too long. Cheese and sauerkraut makes me very happy, and so do homemade muffins, toasted and dripping with butter. The last time I buttered a slice of bread for myself in the company of a friend, she exclaimed, aghast, "Are you going to EAT that?!"

Little does she know lol

I can't stop smiling reading all these posts about what's in your fridge.