Whats up Skatehive fam?
As I mentioned in my previous posts I am skating A LOT these past month so I can get my tricks back after a Greek Summer full of beers, travels and very little skating.
Slowly but steadily Im getting my shit back, and today's clips is proof hehe 🔥 Skated the park solo a couple days ago and filmed a bunch of tricks at different obstacles! Stairs, transitions, gaps, you name it 🤜🤛
Stoked I managed to stack those clips in less than an hour, but more stoked on that 2nd try V-Flip down the grass gap. Hate it or love it, V-Flip is one of my favourite tricks, and its looking really cool when done right.
Enjoy this short edit and keep shredding ❤️ Oh, and #SKATEHIVE4LIFE