I Picked Up Some Star Wars Figures

in Toys on Hive3 months ago

There are a bunch more, but I decided to only share a few of them. Mainly, I picked up figures ranging from the 2000s - 2010s onward.

But, I also picked up a bunch of figures from the 70s and 80s too, which have always been my main focus for collecting.

This imperial royal guard is really cool.

His cloak is removable, and so is his helmet. With this, you essentially have two figures in one due to the outfit and armour change. There are also two weapons which came with it.

There was supposed to be a small blaster too, but it wasn't apart of this purchase.

The badest bounty hunter in the galaxy.

Detail. Great. Accesories. Great. Ability to stand. Basically none existent.

I don't know if it's this figures specifically, or the mold, or what, but for some reason it is such a chore to get him to stand on his own.

He's standing fine here in this picture, but it's a bit of a balancing act.

Phase 1 Clone Commando.

I have always loved the phase 1 clone armour, and in this bundle I was able to pick up a few of them. From standard Troopers to Commanders.

He comes with a removable helmet, a pistol and a blaster rifle. Also, he stands easily, and can be posed.

I'd love to collect more of these phase 1 clones to go along with the Republic Gunship I've had since I was a kid.

Good ole Yoda.

Great amount of detail, and a mini light saber to go along with this mini jedi.

For me, the vintage figures, and the 90s figures were the only ones I had growing up and it's what I knew the most.

I was at a stage where I was more into gaming and buying games as the newer types of figures came out. I had a couple of posable ones, but not many.

Seeing the detail in some of these ones I picked up makes me wonder what the possibilities could have been if they came out sooner and I had a few.

I used to make stop motion videos before, but there was only so much I could do with the figures with immovable limbs. I made some fairly decent "films" though, so it was all good in the end. But, I wonder what it could have been like if some of the figures could have been fully animated.


I always liked those red Imperial Guards. It's a shame they were so under-used in the original trilogy.