🍓 {10/01/24} ✦ [Photo Tour] My Christmas and New Year's Eve 🎆 🎄 🎊 ✦ 🇪🇸 │ 🇺🇸

in Daily Bloglast year


✦ This is the face of a person who had plans, but the nation of stomach pain attacked 😂 💦 ✦

🇪🇸 ~ El día de ayer me di cuenta que no había hecho un respaldo de las "fotos importantes" de 2023 desde el pasado mes de Septiembre, ¿tu guardas compilados fotográficos por año?, yo no lo hacía pero estoy procurando prestar más atención a eso (lamento la perdida de algunas fotos memorables de momentos que no se repetirán, por eso Drive y WeTransfer se han convertido en mis nuevos mejores amigos), y recordé que había tomado fotos de algunas escenas de Navidad y Año Nuevo.

🇺🇸 ~ Yesterday I realized that I hadn't backed up the "important photos" of 2023 since last September, do you keep photo compilations by year?, I didn't but I'm trying to pay more attention to that (I regret the loss of some memorable photos of moments that will not be repeated, so Drive and WeTransfer have become my new best friends), and I remembered that I had taken photos of some Christmas and New Year scenes.

• CHRISTMAS 2023 •

Mi Navidad fue inusual pero tranquila; tranquila porque poco varió en comparación a años anteriores (con el tiempo valoras la seguridad de una rutina en casa), e inusual porque estuve muy afectada por los dolores de cabeza -las migrañas estaban al 1000%-, y pase gran cantidad del tiempo en cama por el dolor de estomago producido por tantos días de analgésicos sin parar; pero sigo siendo la tía que envuelve los regalos a escondidas para mantener la ilusión del Santa y el Niño Jesús, sigo siendo la sobrina que hornea postres (tortas de chocolate, vainilla y zanahoria), y también la vecina que arregla la ropa de los niños a última hora ;3c

My Christmas was unusual but quiet; quiet because it varied little from previous years (with time you value the security of a routine at home), and unusual because I was very affected by headaches -migraines were at 1000%-, and I spent a lot of time in bed because of stomach pains produced by so many days of non-stop painkillers; but I am still the aunt who wraps the presents on the sly to keep the illusion of Santa and Baby Jesus, I am still the niece who bakes desserts (chocolate, vanilla and carrot cakes), and also the neighbor who fixes the kids' clothes at the last minute ;3c


✦ I have a joke about Venezuelan Christmas trees having their own aesthetic style ✦


✦ Christmas tree that is more ornament than tree, we love the decorations ✦


✦ I was happy to see gifts for children that really are "children's gifts" this year ✦


✦ Last year I saw a fever for giving phones and tablets "at any cost" to little children ✦




✦ As I was saying, the phones and tablets did not work out well, my nephews in the middle of the year suffered hysterical attacks if you asked them to leave the phone for a moment so they could eat ✦


✦ The youngest 3 year old hit his grandmother with abnormal hatred during New Year's dinner because the lady asked him to rest and give her back her phone... please don't let your young children use smart phones, it's a bad idea! ✦


✦ The wrapping paper is almost not enough, it's a strange tradition but I don't know why there is always a problem with wrapping paper ✦


✦ They looked nice :) ✦


✦ Lots of nice themed things ✦


✦ I made my special chocolate cake for christmas dinner, there were only 4 of us so I made a small ✦


✦ The cake is better in a gas oven, but the electric oven is not bad, it only takes about 30 minutes more to be ready; also a second portion came out ✦


✦ Christmas dinner was very good, hallaca, lomo negro, traditional ham bread, chicken salad with apple, ham and cheese, quesillo and chocolate cake ✦


✦ It was a nice evening, my uncle, my aunt, and my mom ✦


✦ That day I didn't dress up, I didn't want to put on makeup and it was also very cold, so I went to bed early ✦


Para año nuevo todavía seguía enferma, los doctores me recetaron protector gástrico y empecé una dieta más ligera, aunque al principio no quería comer nada (soy fan de las dietas liquidas así que no fue traumático jajaja); Año Nuevo fue más entretenido porque pude ver a mi hermano y mi cuñada y ellos son geniales. Mucha familia, mucha comida super tasty, también hubo mucho alcohol del bueno pero yo solo tome una copita por tradición para el brindis familiar (creo que mi estomago me hubiera maldecido en arameo si se me ocurría ponerme valiente, y así como el año pasado, sigo siendo poco fan del alcohol).

By New Year's I was still sick, the doctors prescribed gastric protector and I started a lighter diet, although at first I didn't want to eat anything (I'm a fan of liquid diets so it wasn't traumatic hahaha); New Year's was more entertaining because I got to see my brother and sister-in-law and they are great. Lots of family, lots of super tasty food, there was also a lot of good alcohol but I only had a small glass for tradition for the family toast (I think my stomach would have cursed me in Aramaic if I got brave, and just like last year, I'm still not a big fan of alcohol).


✦ Some super nice neighbors gave us some Christmas cookies ✦


✦ Chocolateeee! ✦


✦ I don't know who opened a can of green peas but I would have liked to know what the tradition or the reason is hahaha ✦


✦ This dinner was much livelier ✦


✦ This year my favorite was the pasticho and the baked pork ✦


✦ Photos of Dec. 24 while watching the oven. For the New Year I did make up and dress up but I didn't take any pictures ✦


✦ I raise a toast to a 2024 without headaches and stomachaches, and with children with more age-appropriate toys!... On a serious note, I hope everyone is safe and sound, I know it has been a difficult few months and I hope that 2024 will be a gentler year with fewer tragedies and less injustices in the world. I give thanks for my home every day and take nothing for granted ✦

A 10 días del pasado Año Nuevo tengo mucha incertidumbre porque 2024 ha empezado de manera atropellada en muchos lugares diferentes y también para distintas personas; ni siquiera hice mi lista de "deseos para 2024", ¡de verdad ni tuve tiempo o energías para pensar en eso!, pero a pesar de todo espero que este año sea mejor para todos, especialmente para esas personas que se esfuerzan en traer un poquito de luz a pesar de las adversidades del ambiente donde se encuentren, y a aquellos que han sido maltratados o sometidos a injusticias. Eso quisiera para este 2024, justicia para todos, y por igual.

10 days after the last New Year I have a lot of uncertainty because 2024 has started in a rushed way in many different places and also for different people; I did not even make my list of "wishes for 2024", I really did not have time or energy to think about it, but nevertheless I hope that this year will be better for everyone, especially for those people who strive to bring a little light despite the adversities of the environment where they are, and those who have been mistreated or subjected to injustice. That is what I would like for this 2024, justice for all, and equally.

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✨ 🍓 All texts and images by @Tesmoforia 🍓 ✨
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💌 ¿Do you wish to contact me? Mino.Cosplay@Gmail.com 💌
🌙 Banner, signature and separators by Keili Lares

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Uy si, Enero empezó muy fuerte en eso estoy de acuerdo.
Me encantan las fotos, todas se ven super comfy y cute, la comida también se ve muy rica.
Que pena que pasaste esas fechas enfermita, los dolores de estomago son feísimos 😔 Espero que ya hoy en día te sientas mejor.

Hola Faffy linda! Enero va potente 😂 llenare un formulario de reclamo para la matrix, no gustar jajaja. Me alegra saber que te gusto el recorrido, la pase enferma pero al menos apaciblemente. Muchas muchas gracias por tus buenos deseos, hoy me siento mucho mejor 💓