Understanding Social Determinants And Causes Of Poor Mental Health

in Lifestylelast year

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In life it's best to recognized that human can attend any heights possible , when working upon and that, with rich state of his or her body components.

It's quite needful to acknowledge that each and everyone human body components is very important , and also required to be on very good state. Purposefully to enabling any given human to carryout his or her desired obligations or tasks assigned. That without getting disturb by bad health or any an imbalances effects traceable to any of the human body components.

In essence , human kind ought to have good body chemistry that actually get cut across all human body components. Moreso as human beings you need to recognized that humans with high standard of discipline can manage any imbalances effects traceable to the one or two tie of his or her body components. And would still able to carry out any given tasks or obligations on relatively moderate state .

Truth is when once one of those human body components imbalances tie get traceable to the brain, it would get very difficult for the given human to carryout tangible functioning in life . That except such a human being concerned do get well treated , to come back onto the normal state of health.

Touching the brain imbalances effects and poor mental health

Regarding brains imbalances effects and poor mental health, for you as a person to be able to extend kind of helping ✋ hand onto any patient under poor mental health around you.

Then , you need to recognized that there are numbers of social determinants on poor mental health , or causes of poor mental health. Within this post and page am going to brief closely on these ones that I case it usually get crazy and terrible in terms of effects on any given patient.

States Of Abuse


To be very honest here , the whole world is being known to have so many work related nature , division and specialization. And as well as subsequent working environments. And it's further plained that most working environments out there do know all it dost takes , for them to have kind of safe and sound working environments and also get to applying them practically. While some others might do know as well , but due to kind of an economizing nature or lack of seriousness within the sense of an applicational status do careless and have those applicable staffs life at risks.

Now , you can as well examine and get drawn your own type or nature of landing or conclusion concerning . Those type of noise and hots work line within factory or manufacturing working environments.

Basically that , if the concerned board or management don't implemented and mandated kind of simple safety check and use case for those staffs within the affected workline. Seen such nature of deeds can also account more as an abuse or staffs abuse.

That in the sense that , the frequence or longer states of an exposure of applicable staffs to such hots and terrible workline within said working environments. Is very much capable of effecting poor mental health on those staffs.

The most deadly ones happening to be kind of childhood nature of abuse.

Seriouse State Of Criticism

Certainty is , when once you as a person happening to be under seriouse states of disdain and also getting criticize most often within your home and your area. Seen such states is capable of affecting your personal self esteem. Then once you are under low type of self esteem and also do get discriminating due to the serious states of criticism against you.

It's more certain that within the long run when such persist it can affect the brain of the concerned and further brings about symptoms relating to poor mental health.

Economies Disadvantage And Bereavement


Economies advantage in life is more as kind of popular saying that health is wealth. An economy advantage is a kind of wealth on it own. So state of inadequacy or poverty can also scale to affect the brain and also get to bring about poor mental health.


Some might follow kind of proverb that sorrow is good for the 💓 heart. Might be indeed , what you should understand is that sorrow and kind of loneliness due to some terrible happenings isn't good enough for the state of mental health. It can indeed affect the brain and state of mental health , lastly brings about poor mental health symptom.

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Is being a surprise gift seen , though my phone is giving me toughtime using Inleo frontend , here I truly appreciate and grateful to be among the Premium user's , my concern is being able to renew due to the condition of my phone , am so much happy to have this .

Thank You.

What issues are you facing fren? Maybe I can help you with them.

Seriously my phone need change , because the challenge is not just screen problem. The main challenge is that my phone is not stable , in terms of having smooth touch as normally use to. Is being truly giving me tough time.

Good Day And Happy Sunday Sir.

I understand. If you can give me feedback on what problems you are experiencing we can get better, but we need this info hehe

It would get bit strange to begins to give you feedback on the problems am facing.
But , since you need it.

Let me tell you the problems in way that won't seems more strange.

You did know about such belief that everything start spiritual before , the physical?

Then , you need know the problems am facing is more on the spiritual realm , against what am doing.

The main reasons is due to the hidden surviving system , of my state here in Nigeria. The prioritized mother's as god. Quite different from others tribes.

The heart of the problems is that my both parent is death , and am from a polygamous home and am not the most senior . I have step brother and sister who senior me , and their mother with other children.

Due to the surviving wicked system they having here , that makes things bit difficult for me.

Before I were okay , but due to their wickedness and seriouse desired to kill me , many good things even work I do not too okay any more due to the nature of attack , they are attacking me and tackling spiritual with their.

But , due to such nature of problems am trusting God the true Creator for help.

And based on the level of hardship in my country , in which they cause to make things hard just for the sake of religious prophecies on famine. Along the removal of fuel subsidy by the federal government.

Reason for the hardship my seriouse problems am facing is good mobile phone , that will be smooth enough for me to write and also able to get an up votes.

You can now see the nature of problems am facing, but God has been helping me despite some sickness , did heal me without going to any physician than him alone in prayers and faith.

Thank You.

It would get bit strange to begins to give you feedback on the problems am facing.
But , since you need it.

Let me tell you the problems in way that won't seems more strange.

You did know about such belief that everything start spiritual before , the physical?

Then , you need know the problems am facing is more on the spiritual realm , against what am doing.

The main reasons is due to the hidden surviving system , of my state here in Nigeria. The prioritized mother's as god. Quite different from others tribes.

The heart of the problems is that my both parent is death , and am from a polygamous home and am not the most senior . I have step brother and sister who senior me , and their mother with other children.

Due to the surviving wicked system they having here , that makes things bit difficult for me.

Before I were okay , but due to their wickedness and seriouse desired to kill me , many good things even work I do not too okay any more due to the nature of attack , they are attacking me and tackling spiritual with their.

But , due to such nature of problems am trusting God the true Creator for help.

And based on the level of hardship in my country , in which they cause to make things hard just for the sake of religious prophecies on famine. Along the removal of fuel subsidy by the federal government.

Reason for the hardship my seriouse problems am facing is good mobile phone , that will be smooth enough for me to write and also able to get an up votes.

You can now see the nature of problems am facing, but God has been helping me despite some sickness , did heal me without going to any physician than him alone in prayers and faith.

Thank You.