Happy New Year to everyone in the Beer community! I joined Beer Saturday last spring and began to find enjoyment in beer, which I had rarely had before. I hope to try a variety of beers this year and post about them from Japan, too!
Okay, I'll join you for the first The beersaturday Challenge of this year! Thanks for hosting this week, @detlev .
My husband and elder son were out of town yesterday, so I decided to enjoy Beer Saturday with my second son, who is 6 years old. Of course, my second son cannot drink, but he thinks “Beer Saturday” = something very fun and will definitely become a member of the Beer community in the future.
This week's beer is The Premium Malts Night Scent Black Ale, which I bought at the end of the year and kept chilled in the fridge. I was going to drink it over New Year's Eve, but I had a bit of a cold, so I decided not to 😅I'm better now, so it's okay to drink it.
First, I went to the local supermarket with my second son and bought salami, cheese, and a few other snacks. Instead of beer, he bought "guarana"! I have never had it, but he has liked it since he had it at cafe "Renoir" the other day. The supermarket was crowded during the New Year's special sale.
I have bought Suntory "The Premium Malts" Japanese Ale series several times in the past, and this beer is characterized by its "fruity taste and refreshing aroma" that suits Japanese tastes. Night Scent Ale” is a black beer made partly from black malt, and was newly released on December 24 last year. I tend to pick up beers that are prominently displayed at convenience stores, so it seems that I often end up buying these newly released and limited sale products!😅
When I poured it into the glass, a firmer brown foam rose. The taste was not bitter but savory, and the beer tasted like coffee due to its color. The product page says:
Polished diamond malt (diamond malt that has had the kernels removed and is high in protein, which contributes to its richness) is used and top-fermented yeast is used in the brewing process, resulting in a “mellow, fruity, and mildly lingering” taste.
I really felt it was exactly as written. Even though it was a black beer, it was not heavy and I could drink more and more of it. But the alcohol content was 6%. I was immediately giddy😵💫
I watched YouTube with my son while eating snacks, cheese, and salami that I had bought to accompany my “Night Scented Ale.”
If I were alone, I would watch a movie on my watch list. However, my second son gets bored easily and cannot watch movies. Strangely enough, by the time my elder son was 4 or 5 years old, he could already watch a movie of about 2 hours with me. But my second son was not. Even siblings are completely different. It may be a matter of preference, not age. So, I watched music videos with my second son while changing channels.
This video is “Salami & Cheese”, recently AI-generated by my husband. It is an Indian movie-style music video with a (sort of) story of a salami country and a cheese country fighting and eventually forming an alliance. How about a beer to go with it? 🤣🤣
Here is the “guarana” that my son drank. According to the website, “It is also attracting attention as a health drink that is said to be effective against neurasthenia and fatigue” ... So it was not a drink for children. It can also be made into a “guarana sour” by mixing it with shochu.
It will be another 15 years or so before I can have a real “Beer Saturday” with my second son... I hope that 2025 will bring many more encounters with different kinds of beer.
早速ですが、@detlev さんのThe BeerSaturday Challenge - Week 392に参加します!今週も開催ありがとうございます。
ビールは年末に買って冷蔵庫で冷やしてあった、「ザ・プレミアム・モルツ 夜香る黒エール」です。星空のような綺麗な缶のデザインに惹かれて購入、年越しに飲むつもりでしたが、ちょっと風邪気味だったのでやめておいたのでした😅もう治ったからいいかな。
サントリー 「ザ・プレミアム・モルツ」のジャパニーズエールシリーズはこれまでにも何度か買っていますが、日本人の嗜好に合う「フルーティな味わいと爽やかな香り」が特長のビールです。 「夜香るエール」は黒麦芽を一部使用した黒ビールで、昨年の12月24日に新発売されたものでした。私はコンビニで目立つところに並んでいるビールを手に取ることが多いので、こういう新発売・限定販売の商品をよく買うことになるみたいです😅
こちら、次男が飲んだ「ガラナ」です。ホームページで調べてみたところ、「神経衰弱や疲労回復などにも効果があるといわれる健康ドリンクとしても注目を集めています」とのこと・・・ 渋い😅子ども用の飲み物ではなかったんですね。焼酎で割って「ガラナサワー」にすることもできるそうです。
次男と一緒に本物の「ビアサタデー」ができるのは、まだまだ15年ほど先になりますが・・・ 2025年も、いろんなビールとの出会いがあるといいなと思います。
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