Hey everyone, hope you're all having a fantastic day! It's another free day, which means it's time for another blog from yours truly, haruki.tls123. Today, something crossed my mind, like it got me thinking about the influence of money, like it's fascinating how money can have such a profound impact on our lives. It can be a source of joy, allowing us to indulge in experiences, fulfill our desires, and live comfortably. On the flip side, it can also be a source of stress and worry, especially when we don't have enough of it or when it becomes the focus of our lives.
This got me thinking about this specific quote- saying "Money can buy happiness." Is it really true? Can we buy our way to happiness, or is there more to the equation? So in this blog, I want to this share my thoughts on whether money alone can bring true happiness or if there are other factors at play based on my experiences and observation, but yeah we all have our different perspectives so peace ✌️ hihi:>
Money for me, is kinda like a universal language that speaks to every corner of the world. It transcends cultural boundaries, economic disparities, and societal norms, giving a tremendous influence on individuals and societies alike. From the bustling streets of Metro Manila to the serene villages of rural Cebu Provinces, money plays a pivotal role in shaping lifestyles, aspirations, and opportunities. It is a tool that empowers, a measure of value, and a catalyst for progress.
The global economy revolves around the circulation of money, driving businesses, trade, and innovation on a massive scale. The pursuit of wealth fuels entrepreneurial spirit, encourages investments in technology and infrastructure, and fosters economic growth. However, alongside its undeniable benefits, money also brings about challenges such as inequality, greed, and materialism, raising questions about its true impact on well-being and happiness. The debate between money and happiness has been going on for some time, with many believing that money can’t buy happiness and some says they can.
So for me, I'll answer it straightforward: No, money can't buy happiness. Focusing solely on money will never allow you to purchase genuine happiness in life. Sometimes, happiness comes naturally, and if money happens to be the reason, then yes, you may feel happy because you have money. However, it doesn't mean that you bought that happiness. Happiness is an intangible feeling that cannot be controlled solely by the pieces of paper with numbers on them, especially that our time in this world is limited. Yes, having money can bring joy, which is why the more accurate statement is that "Money can't buy happiness; instead, it could bring happiness" not buy it. Happiness is derived from experiences, relationships, personal fulfillment, and a sense of purpose, all of which money can do to someone but could not be bought on its own.
Another reason for me is that while money can't buy happiness directly, it can enable us to acquire things that bring us joy. That's why many of us say that money is enough, but it still depends on how we use it. Personally, I find happiness in food, and without money, I wouldn't be able to buy a variety of foods that I want to try, right? However, the best feeling comes from sharing our blessings, especially to my friends of course.
What's the point of having so much money to buy food if we're selfish when it comes to happiness? We shouldn't hoard happiness for ourselves; instead, making someone else happy doesn't require money anymore. So, what's the purpose of buying happiness when happiness itself comes to us naturally??
Another reason that money can't buy happiness is that it cannot buy health. No matter how much money you have, it cannot buy you good health. Health is something that must be earned through healthy habits and lifestyle choices. Sure, money can make it easier to buy good food and allow you to take better care of yourself, but you still have to put in the work. One might argue that health can be bought in the medical system, but this is not necessarily true. Even if you can buy the best care available on the market, that doesn’t mean your health issue will be resolved. Also for me, money cannot buy love. Love is a feeling experienced and shared between two people. While some may see gifting and the exchange of money as a form of love language, it’s clear that this isn't the foundation of true love. Real love cannot be bought or sold, regardless of how much money you possess.
Money also can't buy true friendship. Love comes from real connections and shared experiences, not from buying things. True friendship is about trust, understanding, and the special bonds we create with others. These bonds are built on shared moments and genuine care, not on how much money someone has. So, while money can help with some things, it can't replace the important parts of life that make us truly happy, like love and true friendship ♡˖꒰ᵕ༚ᵕ⑅꒱.
Even though having enough money for basics like food and shelter is important, it doesn't guarantee happiness. Surprisingly, some studies that I've searched recently show that there isn't a strong link between money and being happy. So, why do many people still think money buy happiness??
Well for me, one possible factor could be our tendency to compare ourselves to those who have more than us. When we see people with better clothes, cars, or homes, we often assume they must be happier. We might overlook the challenges they face and think their happiness is due solely to their possessions. However, what we miss is the stress they might experience in maintaining their lifestyle. While money can purchase things, it can't provide inner peace.
If happiness could truly be bought with money, then why do wealthy people still experience problems? Right? Yes, money can bring us happiness, but most of the time, it's just temporary. Sometimes, after indulging in spending, there comes a moment when we ask ourselves, "Why did I spend that money? What made me do that?" Let's admit it, there are times when we feel like that right?? RIGHT?!! HAHAHHAHAH especially when we're not satisfied with the outcome, right? So, that's just one reason why money often has a fleeting effect because once it's gone, we're back to feeling down again.
No matter how many expensive things you buy, no matter how much shimmering gold you purchase, it will never compare to the sudden happiness that unexpectedly comes our way. Because it's still up to us how we find happiness using money. Yes, it can give us pleasure, but it will never be able to buy the joy we truly desire because happiness is a result of the methods we use in terms of money.
As I write this blog, I've realized something important: thinking that money can buy happiness often leads to spending money in ways that don't really make us happy in the long run. While money can make us feel good temporarily, especially if we don't have much, it doesn't solve deeper problems or give us lasting happiness. real happiness comes from meaningful experiences, genuine relationships, and having a sense of purpose. if we keep chasing happiness with money alone, we'll always feel like we're missing something, just like bob marley said, "Money is just numbers, and you can't find the end of the numbers. if you think you need money to be happy, your search of happiness also will never be find".
So as I end this blog, don't think that buying things will make you happy. Everything you spend money on, like a house, car, or clothes, is meant to serve a practical purpose, not to bring happiness. We make a mistake when we expect happiness from things that are just meant to be useful. Instead of chasing after material possessions, focus on moments that bring true joy, like spending time with loved ones or doing things you love. Happiness isn't found in what we own but in the experiences and connections that enrich our living.
If you look carefully, happiness was sitting on your table with a grin, and it arrived while you were too busy adoring others’ things to chase it:>
Cheers!! Thanks for reading my blog!
see you guys in my next blog^^ haruki.tls123 out! sayonara<3 ❤️