Hola #AmazingDrinks, feliz jueves espero todos estén bien
Es fantástico como la unión de ingredientes pueden cambiar de color al combinarlos con otros, uniéndose para convertirse en una gran mezcla que otorga increíbles beneficios y sabores a nuestro organismo, así que hoy vamos a transformar frutas de color amarillo💛 a un delicioso jugo verde, combinándolo con vegetales 💚verdes.
Estos jugos aportan excelentes nutrientes, que nos ayudan a prevenir enfermedades gracias a sus vitaminas y minerales, nos llenan de energía para seguir realizando nuestras actividades diarias, además que nos ayudan en la perdida de peso para mejorar la salud, mejora el metabolismo y en mi caso me ayuda a novelar mi glucosa amigos.
Hello #AmazingDrinks, happy Thursday I hope everyone is well
It is fantastic how the union of ingredients can change color when combined with others, coming together to become a great mixture that provides incredible benefits and flavors to our body, so today we are going to transform yellow fruits💛 into a delicious juice green, combining it with 💚green vegetables.
These juices provide excellent nutrients, which help us prevent diseases thanks to their vitamins and minerals, they fill us with energy to continue carrying out our daily activities, and they also help us lose weight to improve health, improve metabolism and in my case helps me reduce my glucose friends.

Ingredientes para este jugo:💛🍍🥭💚🥒🍃
💛🍍 70 gramos de piña
💛🥭 30 gramos de mango
💚🥒 10 gramos de pepino
💚🍃 10 hojas de espinaca
Ingredients for this juice:💛🍍🥭 💚🥒🍃
💛🍍 70 grams of pineapple
💛 🥭 30 grams of mango
💚🥒 10 grams of cucumber
💚🍃 10 spinach leaves

- 1ero 💛🍍
Cortar en cubos medianos la piña. (Yo la compre ya lista en bandeja sin cascara porcionadas en rodajas).
- 1st 💛🍍
Cut the pineapple into medium cubes. (I bought it ready on a tray without the shell, portioned into slices).
- 2do 💛 🥭
Lavar el mango, quitar la piel y porcionar en cubos pequeños.
- 2nd 💛 🥭
Wash the mango, remove the skin and portion into small cubes.
- 3ero 💚🥒
Lavar el pepino, quitar la piel cortar al medio y con ayuda de una cuchara quitar las semillas porcionarlos en pedazos pequeños.
- 3rd 💚🥒
Wash the cucumber, remove the skin, cut in half and with the help of a spoon remove the seeds, portion them into small pieces.
- 4to 💚🍃
Lavar las hojas de espinaca, quitar los tallos y cortar.
- 4th 💚🍃
Wash the spinach leaves, remove the stems and cut.
En la licuadora colocamos los ingredientes.
- Piña🍍
- Mango🥭
- Pepino🥒
- Espinaca🍃.
Para finalizar 200ml de agua.
In the blender we place the ingredients.
- Pineapple🍍
- Mango 🥭
- Cucumber🥒
- Spinach🍃.
To finish 200ml of water.

Would you consume it in juices?

A mi me encanta y lo tomo al menos una vez a la semana.
Las fotos fueron tomadas por mi para presentar en Amazing Drinks.
Drinking these juices during the week is very beneficial for your health friends, plus this is very delicious, the mango and pineapple give it a natural sweetness, very rich softness, the cucumber along with the spinach are subtle flavors that combine very well with the fruits used in this juice, the smell that the mango gives it is very rich that with each sip it takes you to the clouds friends. I love it and take it at least once a week.
The photos were taken by me to present in Amazing Drinks.
Saludos nos vemos pronto en otra preparacion de deliciosos bebidas amigos.
Greetings, see you soon in another preparation of delicious drinks, friends.