Weekly Amazing Drinks Curation

Post Nº 2

Post Nº 3
Combine banana, coffee, milk and vanilla for a delicious smoothie [Esp/ Eng]
by @anicsaldivia1

Post Nº 4

Post Nº 5
Delicious Fruit Smoothie with cinnamom. (eng-esp)
by @xixi80

Post Nº 7
Té de Flores frescas de Jamaica, jengibre y clavo de olor- paso a paso-[ESP-ENG]-Fresh hibiscus flowers, ginger and clove tea - step by step
by @tibisayq23

Post Nº 8
✨️💛My powerful antioxidant smoothie and super delicious 😋, with Mango, Passion Fruit and Lemon✨️💛.[Eng][Esp]
by @elamaria

Post Nº 9

Post Nº 12

Post Nº 15

In this and in all Cheers to us , we will choose three of our users, as beneficiaries of 3% (each one). This time we have chosen @ridoykhan22 @tomidiwirja @sunshine29 for the excellence of the content they share with us, Hivers.