Weekly Amazing Drinks Curation

Post Nº 2
(Esp/EnG) Delicioso batido de piña, melon y cambur, para un dia de calor // Delicious pineapple, melon and banana smoothie for a hot day.
by @anacarolina2022

Post Nº 7
[ENG-ESP] Beetroot and guava smoothie to boost physical performance || Batido de remolacha y guayaba para potenciar el rendimiento físico
by @antoniarhuiz

Post Nº 9

Post Nº 10
(Eng/esp)Delicious and refreshing Tamarind juice with cucumber to share with the family, it is also a natural mild laxative.
by @eduardog23

Post Nº 11
(Esp/Eng) Jugo anaranjado, tres en uno de : Mandarina 🍊 con zanahoria 🥕 y papaya / Orange juice, three in one of : Mandarin 🍊 with carrot 🥕 and papaya
by @josdelmi

Post Nº 14
Amazing Drink : Healthy cucumber, tokma, and guava drinks that helps in weight loss and blood sugar control.
by @a07

Post Nº 15
Mi delicioso jugo de Papaya con Naranja / My delicious Papaya and Orange Juice (Esp / Eng)
by @llovizna28

Post Nº 16

Post Nº 18

Post Nº 19

Post Nº 20

Post Nº 21

Post Nº 22
Batido de parcha grande | Large parcha smoothie
by @moisesrojas

Post Nº 23

Post Nº 24
(eng/esp)Exquisite and nutritious peach juice with lemon that activates the palate with its sweet and citric flavor.
by @eduardog23

Post Nº 25
I teach you how to prepare a delicious and refreshing pineapple and papaya juice, ideal for breakfast.|| [ESP/ENG]
by @delvallecedeno

Post Nº 26
Jugo verde con solo 3 ingredientes / Green juice with only 3 ingredients
by @daifernandez0929

Post Nº 27
Delicious mango and vanilla smoothie // Delicioso batido de Mango con Vainilla [ENG-ESP]
by @oscarcede

Post Nº 28
Pineapple Beetroot Fruit Juice to Increase Hemoglobin
by @nurfay

Post Nº 29

Post Nº 30
Bebida Refrescante y saludable; hablemos de lo beneficios de la Guayaba / Refreshing and healthy drink; let's talk about the benefits of Guava.
by @nara61

Post Nº 31

Post Nº 32

Post Nº 33
(Esp/Eng) Jugo de melón con leche y linaza para depurar nuestro cuerpo /Melon juice with milk and flaxseed to purify the body
by @josdelmi

Post Nº 34

Post Nº 35

Post Nº 36
I made a Milky-way drink (Rum & Yoghurt with mixed fruit)|Hice una bebida Milky-way (Ron & Yogur con fruta mezclada)
by @vanessakor