josdelmi rebloggedalegnairam in #hive-189869 • 8 days ago🍌BananaMinions🍌 BananaMinions 🍌Hola amigos vamos a refrescar este inicio de fin de semana con un rico batido de la fruta preferida de uno de los Minions y mía Banana BananaMinions 🍌🍌 Hi friends…josdelmi rebloggeddianegr in #hive-189869 • 26 days ago[Maravillosa Infusión digestiva]Hace poco compré una cajita de bolsas de té digestivo compuesto por manzanilla (65%), menta (20%), anís verde (10%) y aroma de anís (5%). La manzanilla posee aceites esenciales…josdelmi rebloggedkachy2022 in #hive-180569 • last monthBean Pudding Wrapped in Serendipity Berry PlantHolla amigos friends! It's a beautiful and sunny day in my region, vegan love to you all. I made a bean cake/pudding wrapped with Serendipity berry leaf, it's actually my first…josdelmi rebloggedvanessakor in #hive-189869 • last monthBrewed Tropical Extract drink with flavouring|Bebida de Extracto Tropical con saborizante greeting to everyone, i hope to find you doing well this new week, as i am glad to share with you a another favourite and classical dessert recipe common to a lot of us. today i…josdelmi rebloggedomarcitorojas in #hive-189869 • last monthApple and Pear Halves [Eng/Esp + Sub Eng]▶️ Watch on 3Speak **....English Vjosdelmi rebloggedcarisma77 in #hive-189869 • last monthVegan Oatmeal Apple Smoothie / Batido Vegano de Avena y ManzanaENGLISH. Greetings beautiful Amazingdrinks community, I hope you are well 🤗 Nowadays there are so many ways to take care of ourselves, we have the responsibility to…josdelmi rebloggedanggreklestari in #hive-180569 • last monthSweet Taro DessertsThe combination of soft taro and creamy coconut milk. Taro desserts. Wait, have you ever seen taro befojosdelmi rebloggedbeccatessy2 in #hive-180569 • last monthHome Made Bean Cake Hello there! How are you doing today? I'm happy to be here again. After joining this wonderful communitjosdelmi rebloggedeugelys in #hive-180569 • last monthMiel y azúcar de dátil | Esp-EngSigo explorando opciones para evitar consumir tanta azúcar blanca refinada y en ese afán he estado investigando sobre alternativas másjosdelmi rebloggedplantpoweronhive in #hive-180569 • 2 months agoGeneral structure of a written recipe / Estructura general de una receta escrita (ENG / SPN)Photo by Hermes Rivera Ejosdelmi rebloggedsirenahippie in #hive-189869 • last month(Eng / Esp) Jamaican flower sodas + BONUSGreetings, dear @drinklovers, happy Thursday everyone! I am very happy about my foray into thejosdelmi rebloggednurfay in #hive-189869 • last monthDragon Fruit Peel SyrupWaste does not always have to be thrown away, sometimes utilizing waste from fresh fruit isjosdelmi rebloggedluisacarola in #hive-189869 • last monthJUGO VERDE DE PEPINO, AGUACATE, CÉLERY, SÁBILA, LIMÓN Y MANZANA VERDE (ES / EN)JUGO VERDE DE PEPINO, AGUACATE, CÉLERY, SÁBILA, LIMÓN Y MANZANA VERDE Delicioso manjar de piña / Delicious pineapple delicacyHola a todos los miembros de esta linda comunidad #foodiesbeehive,