What is your favorite sweetener? (Mini comment contest # 7)

in Amazing Drinks9 months ago (edited)

Photo by Elena Leya

Hi #drinkslover, wherever you are in the world and the galaxy! Here @sirenahippie

Today we continue with other edition of the mini comment contest, in the Amazing Drinks community. Remember that to participate YOU WILL ONLY MAKE ONE COMMENT ON THIS POST, it is NOT necessary that you participate with a post, just a good comment that you will leave at the end of this post. This week's theme is: WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SWEETENER?; but first let's look at the winners of the previous week.


@mercmarg @numa26 @marlyncabrera @lanoican @sunshine29 @luisacarola @jaci11

Thanks for your participation. We invite you to participate again this week.


Since we had a beautiful party, with 104 comments, we have decided to give an incentive to all participants: @mercmarg @numa26 @marlyncabrera @lanoican @sunshine29 @luisacarola @jaci11, so congratulations, each of you have won 10 $foodie tokens and 10 ecency points, (this last one is courtesy of @bhattg)

However, we will reward four comments that are excellent and complete, with a $leo token for each one. Such comments are: @lanoican @sunshine29 @numa26 and @marlyncabrera. Likewise, we will give a special prize of 1 $hive to @numa26, for her high level of interaction in the post with her fellow #drinkslovers. These prizes are courtesy of the Amazing Drinks community.


Congrats @antoniarhuiz @numa26 @marlyncabrera

Let's now look at this week's topic:

Generally our drinks have a certain degree of sweetness. And it is delicious to drink a hot or cold drink that has just the right amount of sweetness, as it makes it more palatable and tasty. Therefore, this week for the mini comment contest, we invite you to make a good comment (if you want accompanied by a photo) about WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SWEETENER (for drinks, obviously), and why.


  • We are sponsored by our friend @bhattg who has offered @ecency points for contest winners.

Amazing Drinks Mini Contest (please read carefully the conditions and prizes)

For this occasion we want you to make a comment which you will write at the end of this post. This comment will be related to WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SWEETENER?, you can tell us why you like that sweetener, and how much you usually add to your drinks, (it can be white sugar, brown sugar, jaggery, coconut sugar, palm sugar, stevia, molasses, honey and any other sweetener). However, there are certain conditions for you to participate:


  • You will make a comment, either in English or Spanish, of at least 100 words.

  • In this comment you will tell us what your favorite sweetener is and why, (it can be white sugar, brown sugar, jaggery, coconut sugar, palm sugar, stevia, molasses, honey and any other sweetener).

  • You are free to include in that comment a photo of your property, of that sweetener.

  • You can comment as many times as you want, but you can only participate with a single comment (1 comment per user). To identify it you can write: THIS IS MY PARTICIPATION IN THE MINI CONTEST, at the beginning of your comment.

  • Be original: no old or plagiarized content, and NO AI! (the comment that engages in these practices will be disqualified).

  • Reblog this post if you can.

  • Invite a friend!

  • Interact with others!

  • This mini-contest ends next Thursday, June 20, 2024, at 12:00 noon, Venezuela time.


  • We have $foodie tokens for the best comments.

  • Plus there are @ecency points for the winners, from our sponsor @bhattg

We hope you have a lot of fun with this themed contest Amazing Drinks!

We look forward to your participation!


Find our community here
Delegations welcome! / Curation Trail

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


This is my first entry in an Amazing Drinks contest. I hope to have beginner's luck. Greetings from Caracas, Venezuela.

I have a sweet tooth, and therefore I usually sweeten my drinks. But for some years ago I have read and heard that refined sugar is very harmful.

Fortunately I have a friend who brings an excellent and tasty honey from San Casimiro and since three years ago honey has become my favorite sweetener. If it is among your possibilities, beehive friends, use honey to sweeten your beverages. 😀❤️🐝

Happy Friday. Happy weekend.

I share with you photos of me sweetening my berries tea.

I invite my friends @numa26 @sacra @mercmarg @aguamiel @sacra97 to participate.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)



Hola mi bella amiga @beaescribe. Gracias por tu gentil invitación. Me encantó tu opinión acerca del mejor endulzante. Claro que la miel es uno de tantos y creo que el menos dañino. Porque nuestro organismo es muy exigente al respecto. Además, que las propiedades de la miel son infinitas. Un abrazo y cariños. Buenas vibras para ti. 🍀☘️

Así es, querida @numa26 La miel es el mejor, el menos dañino

Delicious honey. What a wonderful delight in a berries tea. So many properties for good health. You are welcome to our lovely virtual home @amazingdrinks @beaescribe.

Thank you. Yes, berries tea with honey is delicious.

Its a pleasure ❤️

Hola @beaescribe

Bienvenida a la comunidad Amazing Drinks y a este mini concurso semanal. Veo que has tomado una sabia decisión, consumir alternativas más naturales, como la melaza de caña o la miel, sin duda alguna ofrece más beneficios para la salud humana. Este té de frutos rojos se ve delicioso y refrescante, y con ese endulzante pues sabe mucho mejor.

Te invito a que publiques en la comunidad, no obstante, asegúrate de leer previamente y con mucha atención nuestras reglas comunitarias.


Así es. La miel es un endulzante mucho más sano. Gracias por la invitación. Leeré las normas.

 9 months ago Reveal Comment

Yes, that's right.

 9 months ago Reveal Comment

Oh waoh! This is getting more interesting friends. The more comment the better for us. I love ❤️ this.

Thank you @amazingdrinks for this awesome activity that is bringing us closer the more.

Lets go again guys and girls 😀💪👍.
@marlyncabrera @numa26 @lanoican well done friends.

Hey, my girl @sunshine29 😄 Thanks a lot for the mention. I've spent the last three days having lemonade, hehe. Now I want something sweet 🤭

Sure beautiful 😍. Enjoy some mango 🥭 juice or pineapple 🍍 for the weekend treat. You will love it .
Cheers 🥂 to almost weekend lovely 🥰


My entry

hello extraordinary drink, I really like the contest held by our beloved community about what is your favorite sweetener, and I am very happy to be able to participate in the contest held by @sirenahippie indeed sweeteners cannot be separated from everyday life because we need them what is called a sweetener, for making drinks and food, of course there are many types of sweetener. We can get this natural sweetener from several foods around us, such as granulated sugar, honey, stevia, palm sugar and many others, here. In my area of ​​Indonesia, the popular sweetener is granulated sugar, but after I saw some of the bad effects of granulated sugar, I started to reduce my consumption of granulated sugar and I switched to honey, because honey is a natural sweetener from nature which has many benefits, such as anti-inflammatory, I like to use it. Honey in the red ginger milk drink that I made. I added 1 tablespoon of honey to my red ginger milk. It tastes like 1 tablespoon of honey is just right for my drink, not too sweet and not too bland.




Invitation : My brother @nurfay & @marlyncabrera

Hey, @aera8! Thanks a lot for the invite. I'll post my participation ASAP 😁

I think you're right about granulated sugar; I use it at home for cakes and for visitors, but my husband and I don't use it for aaanything else, I think.
Next to the sugar bowl (which is actually a jar, I also keep honey; most of the time, you can see a little jar on my kitchen table which I use for pancakes, yogurt, and some salad dressings, but very rarely for drinks. I'd wish I could try that "red ginger milk" with a little honey 😌❤️


Greetings friends and community @amazingdrinks. Hope we are all enjoying good health. This is my participation entry to (“Mini Comments Contest #7) “What Is Your Favorite Sweetener?”

I love taken things with bitterness to help my system and blood sugar levels, but when I want to eat sweet things I love them very very sweet since its like a cheat time.

My Favorite Sweetener is “Premium Refined Sugar” This sugar is made from Sugar Cane. This sugar is similar to that of the table sugar but contains substances called antioxidants which helps fight free radicals that can worsen several medical problems like diabetes, Skin Cancer, Malaria and other infections.

Although this very sugar is not the best when in excess because all kind of sugar including the “good” ones found in fruits 🍎🍉🍌🍓and vegetables 🥕🥗, can have negative health effects when in excess.

However, “good” sugars tend to be those that occur naturally in fruits and vegetables. Cane sugar like I said earlier has a similar nutrition to that of the white table sugar which suggests that people with serious diabetes health problems are advised to avoid it.




We have just few hours left friends @cryptosana @hive.samadi @princess-dara @nurfay . Bring it on here 🥰


I'm joining this initiative for the first time in comments, I hope to do my best. I would love to invite my friends @brujita18, @cirangela, @belkyscabrera and @issymarie2.

I'm joining this initiative for the first time, I hope to do my best.

Answering the question: What is your favorite sweet for drinks, and why.

Although right now I can't consume it in excess, for my health, since I can remember, my favorite sweetener in drinks is refined sugar... for me it has been complicated to drink a coffee without it, because my palate was already adapted to that delicious mixture, but I consume it sporadically.

The same thing happens to me with juices, not all of them are tolerable without sugar or sweetened with something else. Some I sweeten with papelón, and they taste good, but my favorite juice is the parchita juice, which for the world would not taste better with any other sweetener than refined sugar, because the others alter its original flavor.

Me integro por primera vez a esta iniciativa en comentarios, espero hacerlo lo mejor posible. Me encantaría invitar a mis amigas @brujita18, @cirangela, @belkyscabrera e @issymarie2.

Respondiendo a la interrogante: Cuál es tu dulce favorito para bebidas, y por qué.

Aunque ahora mismo no puedo consumirla en exceso, por mi salud, desde siempre, desde que tengo uso de razón, mi endulzante favorito en las bebidas, es el azúcar refinada... para mí ha sido complicado tomar un café sin ella, porque el paladar ya estaba adaptado a esa mezcla deliciosa, pero la consumo esporádicamente.

En los jugos me sucede lo mismo, no todos son tolerables sin azúcar o endulzados con algo más. Algunos los endulzo con papelón, y saben bien, pero mi jugo favorito es el de parchita, que por nada del mundo sabría mejor con algún otro endulzante que no sea el azúcar refinada, porque los demás alteran su sabor original.

Special thanks to @foodiesunite for the support of tokens and to our dear friend @bhattg thank you so much. Lots of blessings 😇❤️

@amazingdrinks I am very grateful to your Amazing Drinks Community, for the opportunity that you always give us through your site, so that we are always interacting and participating, with our drinks and comments. I congratulate all the winners and participants, an infinite hug.

Muchísimas gracias para el equipo de @amazingdrinks y a @sirenahippie, por mantenernos activos con este miniconcurso temático. Mis felicitaciones a todos los que participaron la semana anterior, pues todos, incluyéndome, fuimos ganadores. Espero escribir algo con relación al nuevo desafío. 😍

Es un gusto verlos por aquí, interactuando y divirtiéndose. Muchas gracias por participar @numa26, esperamos tu súper comentario.


 9 months ago Reveal Comment

Hi @mdakash62

Without a doubt, jaggery or other alternatives such as sweeteners derived from dates are great for health, since they offer many vitamins and minerals. This date gur looks very good, has a nice color and surely has a great taste.

Thank you for participating in the mini contest.


 9 months ago Reveal Comment

Excellent friend @mdakash62, it is very important because it also offers benefits to our body. Thanks for sharing.

 9 months ago Reveal Comment

How much I'd wish to try date jaggery. I've never found it here in my area (east of Venezuela). Our traditional jaggery is made from cane juice; I ususally buy the tablet to melt it in a little water and make my own cane honey, which I always keep in fridge. When it comes to date, however, I've only been able to find or make the paste with the fruit; I certainly love it, but it's expensive here. It's so good that you can find date jaggery so easily. Nice!

Date is very delicious especially the way you have presented it @mdakash62. Date has many properties for our health immune boost. Thanks for bringing it on here. Best of luck 😇

 9 months ago Reveal Comment

Thank you my friend. Yes we keep learning everyday especially in a space like Hive.

Enjoy your day ❤️.

 9 months ago Reveal Comment

Hi @mdakash62, thank you for your congratulations, I hope I can continue to participate.

 9 months ago Reveal Comment

@mdakash62 Thank you for these words of love, and appreciate what we do, a hug.

 9 months ago Reveal Comment

Muchísimas gracias @mdakash62,por tus palabras. Espero continuar dando mi opinión, acerca de bebidas favoritas, sobre todo en este espacio tan sencillo. Gracias y saludos.😍

 9 months ago Reveal Comment

You're so kind, @mdakash62 ❤️
