This is my entry to the mini contest with the question: do you like lemonade. I love lemonade, especially in hot weather, because it is a very refreshing drink.
In Venezuela I used to drink it as a frappe, it was my favorite. Until I arrived in Argentina 😄, I lived 4 years in Buenos Aires. I remember that, in the summers, most restaurants and locals offered different types of lemonade in their menu.
One day while walking around Palermo, we sat in a very popular bar and tried a delicious mint lemonade, it looked like a soda, but slushy. it was great! Needless to say, it took away the heat that was unbearable that day, so it became my favorite. Besides, peppermint has many health benefits.
Congratulations to the winners of the previous round: @antoniarhuiz @numa26 and @marlyncabrera 🥳.