Do you like lemonade? (Mini comment contest # 6)

in Amazing Drinks10 months ago (edited)

Photo by Pesce Huang

Hi #drinkslover, wherever you are in the world and the galaxy! Here @sirenahippie

Today we continue with other edition of the mini comment contest, in the Amazing Drinks community. Remember that to participate YOU WILL ONLY MAKE ONE COMMENT ON THIS POST, it is NOT necessary that you participate with a post, just a good comment that you will leave at the end of this post. This week's theme is: DO YOU LIKE LEMONADE?; but first let's look at the winners of the previous week.


@indahayuu @yenmendt @marile21 @antoniarhuiz @cryptomother @mercmarg @numa26 @danavilar @marlyncabrera @cautiva-30 @lanoican @winanda @jessiencasa @carisma77 @sunshine29 @florecitamejias

We want to indicate that we disqualify two comments for not meeting the requirements of the mini contest, so we ask you again to read the contest rules carefully and comply with them

Thanks for your participation. We invite you to participate again this week.


Since we had a beautiful party, with 148 comments, we have decided to give an incentive to all participants: @indahayuu @yenmendt @marile21 @antoniarhuiz @cryptomother @mercmarg @numa26 @danavilar @marlyncabrera @cautiva-30 @lanoican @winanda @jessiencasa @carisma77 @sunshine29 @florecitamejias so congratulations, each of you have won 10 $ food tokens and 10 ecency points, (this last one is courtesy of @bhattg)

However, we will reward three comments that are excellent and complete, with a $leo token for each one. Such comments are: @antoniarhuiz @numa26 and @marlyncabrera. Likewise, we will give a special prize of 1 $hive to @marlyncabrera, for her high level of interaction in the post with her fellow #drinkslovers. These prizes are courtesy of the Amazing Drinks community.




Congrats @antoniarhuiz @numa26 @marlyncabrera

Let's now look at this week's topic:

There are super refreshing and delicious drinks that are consumed all over the planet, and one of these drinks is LEMONADE. With its fresh lemon flavor, whether with or without sugar, with or without ice, or with other ingredients, such as spices or jaggery, LEMONADE is a popular drink that helps cool down our hot days. Therefore, this week for the mini comment contest, we invite you to make a good comment (if you want accompanied by a photo) about whether you like LEMONADE and how you like to drink it.


  • We are sponsored by our friend @bhattg who has offered @ecency points for contest winners.

Amazing Drinks Mini Contest (please read carefully the conditions and prizes)

For this occasion we want you to make a comment which you will write at the end of this post. This comment will be related to DO YOU LIKE LEMONADE?, you can tell us if you like it with or without sugar, with or without ice, if you usually add something else, etc. However, there are certain conditions for you to participate:


  • You will make a comment, either in English or Spanish, of at least 100 words.

  • In this comment you will tell us how you like to drink lemonade.

  • You are free to include in that comment a photo of your property, of that drink.

  • You can comment as many times as you want, but you can only participate with a single comment (1 comment per user). To identify it you can write: THIS IS MY PARTICIPATION IN THE MINI CONTEST, at the beginning of your comment.

  • Be original: no old or plagiarized content, and NO AI! (the comment that engages in these practices will be disqualified).

  • Reblog this post if you can.

  • Invite a friend!

  • Interact with others!

  • This mini-contest ends next Thursday, June 13, 2024, at 12:00 noon, Venezuela time.


  • We have $foodie tokens for the best comments.

  • Plus there are @ecency points for the winners, from our sponsor @bhattg

We hope you have a lot of fun with this themed contest Amazing Drinks!

We look forward to your participation!


Find our community here
Delegations welcome! / Curation Trail

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


La limonada es una bebida muy refrescante. A todos nos encanta. hay diversas formas de prepararla, así también hay quienes solo toman un limón en un vaso de agua y listo el zumo en el...a tomarlo...
igual para las limonadas encontramos distintos tipos de limones donde cada uno tiene su jugo con ciertas características.
Una limonada en horas de mucho calor nos refresca y nos devuelve el potasio que botamos en el sudor.

Hola @mercmarg!!! Una buena limonada es una bebida perfecta para los veranos intensos. A mi encanta!!!

Si, muy rico

Hola querida @mercmarg es cierto, en Venezuela, solemos tomar mucha limonada y de paso, cada vez que nos provoca. Lo bueno es lo abundante del limón. Acá poco se ve el limón ese pequeñito y verde. Acá le dicen lima y es amarilla. Cuando llega limón verde es porque llega desde Brasil o ecuador. Saludos y cariños.😍🤗

El agua con un toque de limón se siente más fresca. Estos días de mucho calor abren paso a la creatividad; he visto aguas frescas que combinan limón con toronja, pepino, perejil, celery. La gente ya no haya cómo hacer que el agua refresque más de lo que ya; y es que preciera que se evapora en la lengua, jaja. ¡Dios!

Si, la expulsamos a través del sudor...quedamos como si no tomamos agua.


La limonada es súper práctica y deliciosa, también versátil, tal como nos comentas. Y sí, es notable la diferencia entre un limón y una lima, o entre un chinotto y un limón persa. ¡Que viva la limonada!

Muchas gracias por tu participación @mercmarg


¡Hola amigos! Estoy llegando casi en la raya, por razones de ocupaciones varias no había escrito, así que les paso mi foto y mi entrada por si acaso. Invitando a mis queridas amigas; @beaescribe y a @jaci11 Aún quedan unas horas para comentar.


Para mí, lo más refrescante y que quita la sed, después del agua, es una buena limonada. Ahora bien, acá en Buenos Aires, la preparan con lo que en mi país llamamos, Yerba Buena. O menta. Es más, en unos locales la preparan con mucho hielo y bien ácida, es decir, con mucho limón, y poca azúcar, pero las hojitas, le dan un toque genial para mi gusto. Porque yo soy muy fan del limón como tal. Mi secreto bien guardado es, que por las noches, antes de ir a la cama, exprimo un limón, o lima, porque son grandes y en una copita, lo echo bien coladito. Aunque no lo crean, de un solo trago lo bebo, y me fascina. No le pongo azúcar. Así como lo ven en la foto. Algunas veces le agrego una pizca de sal, para bajarle lo ácido. Igualmente, lo vacío en una jarra y lo dejo en la nevera sin azúcar. Eso contribuye a alcalinizar el agua y también sirve para refrescar. También, lo preparo con papelón, tal y como me enseño mamá a tomar mi limonada diariamente.


Con menta es buenísima si hace frío. Para el calor, prefiero la menta yerbabuena.

Mi secreto bien guardado es, que por las noches, antes de ir a la cama, exprimo un limón, o lima, porque son grandes y en una copita, lo echo bien coladito. Aunque no lo crean, de un solo trago lo bebo, y me fascina. No le pongo azúcar. Así como lo ven en la foto. Algunas veces le agrego una pizca de sal, para bajarle lo ácido.

Gracias por ese tip. ¡Anotado! Cuando el café está amargo, yo lepongo una pizca de sal, pero nunca se me había ocurrido ponerle a la limonada. A mi me gusta tomar el zumo puro también, aunque no todas las noches; yo le pongo un poco de naranja. Me ayuda antes de comer carne roja, para que no me caiga pesada.

Debes probarlo así con su salecita. Verás que le baja lo ácido y te sabe rico. Apapachos amiga bella. Además de superbeneficiosa.

¡Que interesante dato el de la sal! Desconocía ese tip, ahora ya lo sé. Es muy saludable que bebas el zumo de limón así, a diario, es una sana costumbre. Definitivamente la limonada con menta es la ganadora en este mini concurso, pues muchas personas la beben así. ¡Que viva la limonada!

Muchas gracias por haber participado en el mini concurso @numa26


MI querida @numa26 la limonada es buenísima para el calor. Me gusta mucho con yerbabuena. Y recientemente la estuve tomando sin azúcar y con barras de canela en casa de Daniel, mi novio. Es riquísimo. Es acidito y cuando te la tomas sientes el gustito de la canela en el fondo, al final. Lo de la pizquita de sal para bajar un poco la acidez no lo sabía, lo probaré. Un abrazo. 🤗

Greetings community. My participation entry for Amazingdrinks “Mini Comment Contest “ “Do You Like Lemonade ?”.

Lemonade a heart ♥️ healthy drink that contains vitamins C, Fiber and others which aids us in keeping the heart and circulatory system healthy. It also keeps our kidney health in check. In some studies, Citric Acid is believed to reduce the risk of “Kidney Stones”, and may help to prevent their formation.

I love Lemonade, and drink it to cleanse because lemon 🍋 juice or lemon 🍋 water helps boost acid secretion. This is a digestive fluid produced in the stomach that helps the body break down and digest food. I prepares my lemonade in a simple delicious 🤤 way.



Cheers 🥂 everyone ❤️

Hi @sunshine29, thank you so much for such valuable information about the benefits of lemonade for the body, I really didn't know them. A hug!!! 😊

Its a pleasure beautiful 😻. We really need such informations from time yo tone to keep healthy

Thanks for stopping and reading. I appreciate your time lovely 🥰. Enjoy your day.

Hey, @sunshine29! ❤️ How are you doing? Having a hot day overe there?

to reduce the risk of “Kidney Stones”, and may help to prevent their formation...

I've read about it. It's amazing, right? How food turns into medicine. Fortunately, I use lemon a lot in the kitchen; I don't make lemonade often--though I love it--, but I do use fresh lemon a lot.

That glass you show us is certainly tempting; the heat wave is still doing its thing around here.

Aww lovely beauty. Lets keep enjoying the beautiful gift of nature. Lemon 🍋 is everything in the kitchen. Its good for us especially as we add it in our recipes,

Thanks for coming around. The heat is alarming, although slight rain ☔️ here few days ago. Just keep hydrated and enjoy yourself with some chilled juice 🥤👍

Lemonade is health, as @sunshine29 says, as it offers a lot of benefits for the body. Nothing more refreshing than a cold and delicious lemonade. Thank you very much for participating in the mini contest.


Thank you dear @sirenahippie. Snd thanks to @amazingdrinks for all the opportunity created for us here to share and educate.

Blessings and love 😇❤️


Lets go beautiful 😻👍

Thank you for support and the invitation @sirenahippie. I was a little late reading the notification. Hopefully there will be a chance to participate.

Hi @amazingdrinks

This is my entry to the mini contest with the question: do you like lemonade. I love lemonade, especially in hot weather, because it is a very refreshing drink.

In Venezuela I used to drink it as a frappe, it was my favorite. Until I arrived in Argentina 😄, I lived 4 years in Buenos Aires. I remember that, in the summers, most restaurants and locals offered different types of lemonade in their menu.

One day while walking around Palermo, we sat in a very popular bar and tried a delicious mint lemonade, it looked like a soda, but slushy. it was great! Needless to say, it took away the heat that was unbearable that day, so it became my favorite. Besides, peppermint has many health benefits.

Congratulations to the winners of the previous round: @antoniarhuiz @numa26 and @marlyncabrera 🥳.

Guau mi querida @luisacarola. Es cierto, aquí lo comprobé y realmente quedé encantada con la limonada que preparan. Un abrazote. Me encantó saberte. Gracias por invitarme. Abrazos y cariños. 🤗😍

Hola mi querida @numa26, cómo está mi Buenos Aires querido? 😂... A mi también me encanta saber de ti y de encontrarnos virtualmente en este espacio tan sabroso. Un abrazo ❤️

Holaaa mi querida amigaaa. Con ganas de volverte a dar un gran abrazo como el de nuestra foto,bien apretaoooo. Tu Buenos Aires querido está hermoso como siempre, y a veces con frío y otras con calor. jeje Un besito amiga bella. Siempre te esperamos aquí. Saluditos y cariños.😍🤗

Thank you friend 🌺🌼🌷🌹💐

Hey, @luisacarola! Thanks a lot for the invite ❤️

Slushies are my thing if they are made with natural juice. I love them; they are popular in my town and a good way to fight this frying heat 🔥 A minty lemon slushie helps us to keep our cool literally; this is the one I'd choose most of the time--when I don't have to make it myself 🤣

Suena rico la menta-limonada.

My mouth is watering just thinking about a frappé lemonade! It is simply delicious and refreshing. And that lemonade you drank in Argentina, it must have been spectacular. Long live the lemonade!

Thank you for participating in the mini contest.



¡Gracias! Tan lindos que reconocieran mi comentario y felicidades a todos los demás participantes, todos espectaculares. Seguiremos apoyando. Saludos.

Thank you beautiful community for these fun here. Congratulations 🎉 to everyone especially to my friend @marlyncabrera and @antoniarhuiz @numa26 . You girls are awesome. Lets move again guys ❤️

Hey, gorgeous @sunshine29 🥰 I'm making lemonade 🤭


Yes sweetie 🥰. Lets go again with Lemonade this week. Cheers 🥂 to this beautiful 😻 weekend weather. Love ❤️

You're welcome @sunshine29

Love ❤️

Thank you 🌻🌷💐🌺🌹

Its a pleasure beautiful 😍 🌺🌸🌷

Felicitaciones para todos los que contaron sus historias. Igualmente felicito a @antoniarhuiz y @marlyncabrera, por su galardón de la semana. Gracias a @amazingdrinks por este interesante concurso. Saludos y cariños.😍


Hola mi bella. Ahora a prepararse esa exquisita limonada que solemos tomar en los calurosos días de verano. Un abrazote mi bella @antoniarhuiz. 🤗

You're welcome @antoniarhuiz


You're welcome @numa26 and thanks for your entry

¡Felicidades chicas! @antoniarhuiz @numa26 y @marlyncabrera

Aquí brindo con ustedes pero con jugo de mango.😅😅

Es temporada. La mata está cargada 🥭🥭🥭🥭🥭

Demasiado divino, ¡feliz todos los días!


Jajaja... también es válido. Saludos y gracias. Disfruta tu jugo. 🌻🌼🌺🌷

¡Gracias mi bella @yenmendt! Salud por ese jugo de mango, que extraño taaanto. Aquí los hay, pero les falta trementina. Un abrazote. Ahora vamos por una limonada deliciosa. jeje

Feliz y bendecido día 🌻🌼🌷🌹🌻

Felicidades a las ganadoras de este concurso @antoniarhuiz @numa26 y @marlyncabrera, donde podemos conocer un poco de cada uno de nosotros y también de tomamos algunos tips para aplicarlos en nuestra vida 😊

Gracias, querida @jessiencasa ❤️Siempre hay tips interesantes por aquí 😁

¡Gracias @jessiencasa! Será genial, conocer esa gran variedad de limonadas que existen. Porque aunque son jugos de limón, en cada lugar tienen su toque especial. Saludos.😍

In the nick of time! I didn't want to miss this one, especially after @luisacarola's kind invitation ❤️ And it might be late for my inviting a friend, but here I go anyway; the invitation goes to @adncabrera 😁


I like both lemon water and lemonade in all the versions I've tried so far: plain lemonade (3 parts juice, 1 part water, and some sugar--+ broken ice!), lemonade with lemon zest, lemonade slushies. I've heard and read about the many benefits of lemon juice, and the way I have it most of the time is in lemonades during a hot morning but never on a empty stomach (for no particular reason). In my town, lemonades are popular and sometimes they come with a good dose of sugar or cane honey; I like those, but I prefer them with no sugar if the day is hot 🔥 because sweet drinks just make me thirstier. If I could have one lemonade right now, it'd be a full glass of a minty lemonade slushie with no sugar, like the one below.


I ordered this one at La Marea, Club de Playa, a beach club I visited a couple of years ago; they blend leaves of spearmint with ice and freshly squeezed lemon juice. I fell in love with this drink, which I had never tried this way before. I have some spearmint and lemons, so I might make some later 😁


Hi @marlyncabrera

I think it is wise not to drink lemonade on an empty stomach, as it can cause some discomfort. This drink that you show us looks super delicious, healthy and with great flavor. I'm sure, as always, you will make something epic with those lemons and that mint, it will surely be a super interesting recipe.

Long live the lemonade!

Thank you very much for participating in the mini contest.


Hey, @sirenahippie 🍹😁 I stored the spearmint leaves in the fridge; I hope they're still fresh when I'm back home. I'll use InLeo, see how it goes.

Thank you so much for your attention and consideration 🙌🏻 Cheers!

You will surely do great with INLEO. Great that you use that front. Greetings

Hi @marlyncabrera, thanks for accepting my invitation 😁. I'm craving to try those mint lemonades from La Marea, Beach Club 🤤 It looks great! Let's toast with lemonade!!! 🥳😂. A hug 😊

Lemonades are always great for me, so cheers!

Sending hugs from Cumaná...


Amiga, sabes que aquí en Buenos Aires, lo sirven así en casi todos los restaurantes. Con mucha yerba buena, unos la ponen licuada y otros en hojitas, pero full de hielo. eso es delicioso y no escatiman en echarle limón. ¡guau es fantastica! Saludos.

Ésta la licúan completamente, pero también me gusta con las hojas majadas en el fondo del vaso (como en los mojitos).


Un abrazote, @numa26 🥰

Hi @indahayuu @yenmendt @marile21 @antoniarhuiz @cryptomother @mercmarg @numa26 @danavilar @marlyncabrera @cautiva-30 @lanoican @winanda @jessiencasa @carisma77 @sunshine29 @florecitamejias

You can publish your amazing drinks in this community, for which you can use the INLEO front. Here we share an easy tutorial for you to publish your recipes and opt for the INLEO trail vote. We also recommend that you read our community rules very carefully before publishing.


NOTE: We can curate two posts a day with INLEO

Muchas gracias por la sugerencia 😉

This is really exciting and thrilling. Still trying to navigate INLEO.

Thank you so much @amazingdrinks . Happy new weekend ❤️

@amazingdrinks Thank you, I will keep this in mind.

Thanks so much. I'm looking forward to sharing my recipes in this community

So nice! It's always my pleasure, amazing friends!

Thank you so much for the motivation, @amazingdrinks! These spaces are the bomb in Hive, as they give us the opportunity to interact more personally with everyone.

I hope everybody is having a nice Friday. I love lemonade... With a little luck, I'm showing you my favorite lemonade. I just have to find the photo. Meanwhile, hugs for all loving drinkers and drinking lovers 🤭❤️

Ohhh, thanks @marlyncabrera, and yes, the idea is for drinkslovers to interact with each other and form a community, it is something beautiful and fun. Cheers!


This looks like soda lemonade 🍋. So refreshing and inviting. Enjoy beautiful. Lets go 🚶🏿‍♀️."f

Such a bomb 💣 beautiful. We are like family already taking it to the next level. Thanks to @amazingdrinks @sirenahippie.

Cheers to the weekend lovely beauty 🥰❤️👍



Nada mejor que una limonada bien fría 😊

Congratulations to the colleagues who, along with me, were favored in the contest. Thank you all.

❤️😍🤗¡Gracias mi bella @antoniarhuiz! Ahora, ¡Vamos por las limonadas! 🤣

Felicidades a las felices ganadoras y que sigan los éxitos🥳 gracias siempre por el apoyo querida comunidad @amazingdrinks.
Saludos y muchas bendiciones 😊🙏

You're welcome @carisma77

Gracias beautiful 😍. Cheers 🥂 to the weekend.



Lemon is one of my mandatory drinks, I am very happy that the community provides a space to share ideas for this drink theme. I'll prepare it later!

Thank you lovely for joining in here. This activity is full of fun and educating at the same time. Lemonade is a very unique and lovely drink 🥤. Cheers 🥂. Enjoy your weekend 😍❤️.

Lemonade is really a great summer drink 👍

Summer 😎🌞🏖 is just by the conner. Lets include lemonade in our list for summer. Cheers 🥂 lovely 🥰

¡Saludos mi bella! 😍🤗

Thank you @numa26 . Gracias ☺️

And with plenty of ice 🧊

Thanks for your support @mysteriousroad

It can be very refreshing, I really like it Geometry Dash Breeze

Grateful for the award @amazingdrinks
Congratulations @antoniarhuiz @numa26 and @marlyncabrera may it continue to rain success!

Thank you 🌻💐🌼🌺🌷


¡Gracias @cautiva-30, igualmente. Saludos y cariños.😍

Felicidades a las ganadoras.

Excelente, felicidades a todos los ganadores 🥰🤗

Thanks so much for the rewards. Congratulations to all the winners.

 10 months ago Reveal Comment
 10 months ago Reveal Comment