Building my garden

I have always wanted a garden, but starting one seemed like so much work and it would get overwhelming and I would put it off until the next year, and then just continue to put it off.

One of most overwhelming things was trying to figure out where to plant everything and get it all set up.

Instead of doing raised beds or planting in my yard, I decided to just plant some tomato plants in some of my extra five gallon pots.

I got three tomato plants from Costco and transplanted them into the larger pots. They are still pretty small, but should take off with growth soon.

I dont really know much about tomato plants and how the actual tomato is formed, but I am guessing they will grow from these flowers.

The strawberry plant I got is really cool. I have never had strawberry plants before and I had no idea that the actual flower turns into the strawberries. It is cool seeing all the different stages of growth.

We have been eating a lot of strawberries each week, so having a few strawberry plants will be really cool. I wonder how much different they will taste compared to the store bought strawberries.

My wife and I just got back from Home Depot, where we bought some more plants that we are going to be planting in our yard.

We are trying to plan out all the different types of plants we will be putting in the yard so we can have an assortment of bees, hummingbirds and other birds in the yard.

It is going to be pretty cool to see all the diversity that our yard brings in.