We are all back to the barbecue! [EN/ES] Volvimos todos al asado!

in Photography Loverslast year

We were without asados these weeks and the lack of them was felt. For those who do not have the tradition of eating asado, it is difficult to understand, but it is a moment with family, friends or people who want to share something special. It is like a moment of communion. In our case it is with the people closest to us, family: children, brother, grandmother, mother and father and sister-in-law too. She is already part of the family after having put up with my brother for so long. We were going to get together last night but he had an engagement and asked to meet today at noon because he didn't want to miss it, so we did.

The asado was ready and we sat down to eat. Luckily for all of us, it came out well roasted so everyone was eating very eagerly and we really ate everything. There was nothing left over. There was vacuum, pork breast, blood sausage and chorizo, with salad and baked potatoes and to drink a few beers. Seeing the joy of those who come to sit and enjoy the food is the most gratifying thing of all. I love to see how the people I cook for enjoy it, and that before they have their first bite in their mouths to taste it, their faces change and the shine in their eyes changes, because of the smell, the visual of the meat and their own hunger that transforms them into animals hahaha.

So today in the morning I made some mates, I started to work for a while and when I finished the kids woke up, breakfast for 2 and we went out to make the asado. We went to my parents' house to pick up some things, (we are lucky to live all together) just as we came in we went out and continued on our way to my grandmother's house, also walking. I was in charge of making the asado, so I put my batteries on and started to light the fire with the help of the kids and we practiced how to make an asado. While the fire was being made we were talking to the kids about how to start it, first you had to put something that would light quickly, like paper and wood and on top of that wood or charcoal, depending on what you have, so while we were building it they were learning and asking me questions.

We let the fire go and we gave my grandmother a hand with some garbage bags. Whenever we go we always help her with something because she is big and doesn't have the strength for some things. Today we had to take out some giant bags full of grass and leaves because having such a big park makes it complicated and we have to clean it to make it look nice. When we had a little bit of ember to throw the meat, we threw the first cuts. And the function began. Then my brother arrived with his partner and we uncorked a beer and started to talk about life at length. Luckily we had some nice problems to solve and funny anecdotes to remember.

We were lucky that Santa Claus came late and brought us ice cream for dessert so while we were setting the table, the doorbell rang and the ice cream had arrived. So we ended Sunday with a smile from ear to ear enjoying a rich feast with dessert included and being all together. As always. Together.

Spanish Version

Estuvimos sin asados estas semanas y se sintió la falta. Para quienes no tienen esa tradición de comer asado es difícil de entender tal vez, lo cierto es que es un momento en familia con amigos o gente que uno quiere compartir algo especial. Es como un momento de comunión. En nuestro caso es con la gente más cercana, familia: Hijos, hermano, abuela, mamá y papá y cuñada también. Ya es de la familia después de tanto bancarse a mi hermano. Nos íbamos a juntar ayer en la noche pero el señorito tenía un compromiso y pidió de juntarnos hoy al mediodía porque no se lo quería perder así que así lo hicimos.

El asado estaba listo y nos sentamos a comer. Por suerte de todos, me salió bien asado así que estaban todos comiendo con muchas ganas y la verdad nos comimos todo. No sobró nada. Había vacío, pechito de cerdo, morcilla y chorizo, con ensalada y papas al horno y para tomar unas cervecitas. Ver la alegría de quienes van a sentarse y disfrutar de la comida es lo más gratificante de todo. Me encanta ver como disfruta la gente a la que le cocino, y que antes de tener su primer bocado en la boca para poder saborearlo ya les cambia la cara y le cambia el brillo en los ojos, por el olor la visual de la carne y su propio hambre que los transforma en animales jajaja.

Entonces hoy en la mañana hice unos mates, me puse a trabajar un rato y cuando termine se despertaron los nenes, desayuno para 2 y salimos para hacer el asado. Pasamos por lo de mis padres a buscar algunas cosas,(tenemos la suerte de vivir todos juntos) así como entramos salimos y seguimos camino a lo de mi abuela, también caminando. Yo era el encargado de hacer el asado así que me puse las pilas y comencé a prender el fuego con ayuda de los chicos y de paso practicamos como se hace un asado. Mientras se hacía el fueguito íbamos hablando con los nenes de cómo se empezaba primero había que poner algo que prenda rápido, como papel y maderas y encima de ello leña o carbón depende lo que tengas, entonces mientras lo íbamos armando ellos iban aprendiendo y me iban preguntando.

Dejamos que se vaya haciendo el fueguito y le dimos una mano a mi abu con unas bolsas que habia para sacar de basura. Siempre que vamos la ayudamos con algo porque es grande y no tiene fuerza para algunas cosas. Hoy toco sacar unas bolsas gigantes llenas de pasto y hojas porque al tener un parque tan grande se complica y hay que limpiarlo para que quede lindo. Cuando ya teníamos un poco de brasa para tirar la carne tiramos los primeros cortes. Y empezo la funcion. Ahi llego mi hermano con la compañera y destapamos una cervecita y nos pusimos a charlar largo y tendido de la vida. Por suerte problemas lindos de resolver y anécdotas graciosas rememorando.

Tuvimos la suerte que papá Noel vino tarde y nos trajo helado de postre así que mientras estábamos haciendo la mesa, sonó el timbre y había llegado el helado. Así que terminamos el domingo con una sonrisa de oreja a oreja disfrutando de un rico banquete con postre incluido y estando todos juntos. Como siempre. Juntos.