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RE: Family fun with soup bubbles. Nobody got harmed, except of 327 bubbles! (13 photo)

in Photography Lovers6 months ago

They are so useful telephoto lenses... hahaha... eye contact, oooops, you can always pretend to drop something on the floor 🤣

Love it - Here I would have framed it so that it was closer and the kids' expressions could be seen better. And the bubble that burst... it's great.


"pretend to drop something on the floor"

hahahaha! hehe. well, actually maybe not... 😂
see, 200mm is a huge elongated cylinder - and when I focus at somebody... the direction the lens is oriented is like an arrow, it shows very obviously where I aim and who do I focus at. Other lens like 35mm, 50mm - make it much less clear what am I capturing exactly at the moment :)
anyway, tele- is awesome. folks may notice me but I am too far for them to decide I invaded in their personal space, at least they do not come to me with questions / complaints - the distance is too far. when you stand at a distance of 2-3m it is more simple for them to decide they need to talk out something with me 😁

tnky very much for choosing your favorite from the set. much appreciated 🙏
have a Hive !PIZZA, and a great day!