Least you got some decent shots?
Was it the first or second time this event ran? If it was an early iteration maybe it will be better next year.
Do you rotate with someone else? We just rotate though the parents (one year we go to my parents and the following year we go to J's parents) XD Hosting a lot of people sounds exhausting x_x J can manage the logistics for it (and has done for parties including catering for multiple and very different food requirements!) but me not so much, and then on the flipside it's my mum's jam, every year she hosts a huge Christmas party which I swear half the island turns up to (maybe not quite but not far off XD though this year we're having a quiet one as she doesn't really feel up to it after her mother passed away just a few months ago).
This weekend was kind of hectic, I had plans but they kind of got compressed into what ended up being a very late night (and I didn't complete enough of the things I was trying for) as I had to run and deal with a minor emergency (someone clicked on a link that they shouldn't have, but there's only so much that could be done on a weekend).