Hi fellow Hiveians,
Today I wanted to talk about late night cravings and how we can do it sparingly.

Late Night Snacking
I'm guilty of it.. are you?!
I know that ideally, we shouldn't be going for some snacks in the evening. I have been going through cycles over the last few years where I do fall victim to the desire and it's a little tricky. The body doesn't really love it, but the taste buds do!
There is something about going into the kitchen at 10 PM and getting a small drink of water.. then ending up having some crackers with peanut butter and jelly on them. It's a guilty pleasure of mine that's for sure! I've got other snacks that I've fallen victim to such as some cookies and other things I know I shouldn't be eating, especially late in the evening. Sometimes though, you gotta just say fuck it and go for it.
I'm a big fan of having self control and discipline in terms of eating and things like that. I've been pretty good over my adult life at controlling that, so much that I haven't largely changed much in terms of body composition since I was in college. I know that a lot of people end up just getting fat which is unfortunate, but there is a mentality there. I know we would like to think that we are just like we were when we were younger, but our body isn't as spry as it used to be so we end up adding pounds all over the place.
With the late night snacking, I am not doing it all the time which is good, because I would definitely get the added pounds and if I do, I usually see a small uptick in my weight a day or two later when the stuff really hits. I think that's also an important thing to realize. When we do those things, we don't see an immediate increase in the following few hours or day. It's a few days later after our body is done processing it that we really see the impact. I think this is what some people don't understand, and they end up doing it consecutively which then leads to the end results of getting fat.
It's become a strange thing in the world we live in, where many people don't think being fat is a bad thing, or that it's other factors. There are certainly some underlying factors that cause us to be fat, but at the end of the day, it's vastly related to what we eat, when we eat it, and how much we eat. The sad reality with Americans is that our food is largely garbage and filled with all kinds of nasty fucking chemicals so that doesn't help our cause either. These things add up and it's multiple layers ontop of layers which then leads to layers and layers of fat we don't need.
The good balance here is to occasionally do something without making it a routine, but also recognizing that it is not ideal to do it. If I snack at night then I offset it by fasting in the morning. It's not a great compromise but I am indeed adding extra calories into my body that I didn't need it to, so I will have to offset it so that I am able to not get hit with a bunch of extra weight a few days or weeks later from the bad habit. I think this is something that works well for me, and thankfully it's not something I do frequently.
What about you, do you give into your late night cravings? Let me know in the comments!

-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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