When husband and wife fight

in Rant, Complain, Talk8 months ago

You know what they say about not intruding in a quarrel involving a husband and wife. That's what has been happening since Wednesday of this week in my compound, and I've been trying my best by all means to keep off. However, once in a while, I do go and beg them to settle whatever the situation is, but I do that very slightly, and they appear not to hear or listen to my pleas.

The whole situation started on Wednesday evening. I wasn't around the whole of Wednesday, so I came back home to find some of our neighbors gathered in the compound, and there were intense shouts coming from the house of the quarreling husband and wife.

It was said that the wife took their 6-year-old kid and traveled to her home in the village even when her husband told her not to go. She stayed there for up to a month, without answering her husband's calls or allowing her parents to answer his calls. That's strange!
I didn't see the lady and her boy during that period, and it never occurred to me that there was an issue between them; I thought she traveled on a peaceful note.

Now that she came back, the husband has been insisting that she should go back to wherever she came from because it's an insult and disrespectful to him. The wife insists she's not going anywhere because it's her home, and neighbors have been begging the husband to let her stay.

Guess what?


This morning, there was loud music coming from their house, and the scent of good food was wafting out as well. It seemed like they were celebrating Christmas in July. Yes, peace is back in their home, and all the troubles that occurred on Wednesday and Thursday seemed like they never happened.

I'm very sure that during the period the husband was shouting for her to go back to her parents' house, he didn't mean any of it because the lady came back with big bag of food items like yams, pepper, garri, and many others. As it is now in the country, having foodstuffs at home means someone is rich because food items are heavily costly these days. So imagine how life will be for them for the next month at least.
Well, I don't blame him for shouting and telling the wife to go back; he did that to show the world that he's the man of the house and his wife cannot dictate to him, but finally, his wife won. Lol.

Well, I'm glad I didn't get too involved during their quarrel because if I had, I would have become an enemy to the family now since I would be used as a topic in their bedtime conversations. I know they're already doing that to other neighbors who kept going to tell them to stop and even criticized the wife for embarking on such a journey and not answering her husband's calls, as well as not allowing her parents to answer his calls.

I think the wife's parents were at fault here too, or what do you think?

Thank you.

This is for #julyinleo prompt. Day 19th.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


These situations are never easy. There’s certainly a lot of times a way family members can mess the thing up sadly. Hopefully they get their issues squared away!

 8 months ago (edited)Reveal Comment