Goodbye 2023, You've Actually Been Good To Me

in Rant, Complain, Talk9 months ago

As I write this I'm enjoying an ice-cold bottle of Hein-o-mite, while my dad, sister, her partner, my partner, and son are out in the kitchen listening to some smooth Jazz music, waiting for a few people to arrive to bring in the new year in style.

I won't be getting shit-faced tonight - not that I do anyway - but, we will be enjoying a few brewskies and having a bit of fun... The moment I get in there that Jazz crap is getting turned off.


What Has This Year Brought Me?

Well, let's start off with the most important thing. My son. He has grown into a chunk, and he's really strong for a baby. That's not a biased opinion, the little dude is a tank, and he's already in 9-12 clothes, and he's only 8 months. I don't know where he's getting it because me and his mother are pip-squeaks.

Fatherhood has been a wild ride so far. For the first few months, I was a zombie, and couldn't balance anything that well. Within 3 months though we were pros, and were well able to not only make time for ourselves individually but also for ourselves together. Which - I think - is important, because it's stressful, but also the most meaningful and fulfilling thing I've ever done.

He's a cool little guy and has made this year the best one I've ever had.


Through it all, I stayed through to a goal I set this time last year.

I wanted to post every day of the year, and I'd like to announce that with this post here, I did it.

It was no easy feat, with work, projects, the baby, and the bands/ gigs, but hell year, I made it!

These kinds of long-term goals are important for the mind, and I really feel a weight lifted off my shoulders... Well, not a weight. It feels like a relief, but not that sort of stressed-out relief, it's different.

Hive never became a chore, it was always fun, and I loved getting onto the laptop for an hour or so to get writing, and often I'd be daydreaming about what I might write about, or how a particular story was going to go.

I do think the content creation/ article writing is for me, and Hive has allowed me to discover that.

Another Hive Based Achievement

I got to enjoy the fact that I hit another goal I set out for myself at the start of 2023. Reaching 10k HP, and I'm delighted to say that I blew past that goal. It was something that I didn't think was going to be possible, but here were are.

In fairness, neither of my Hive goals I thought would be possible, and there were days when I thought I'd fail, but a little determination allowed me to get through it.

The feeling of, not only gratitude to all the cool people on Hive I've met, who have enjoyed the stuff I write has been amazing, and with the extended HP, I'm glad I can give something back to the cool people here, and encourage others with upvotes, similar to the way I've been encouraged to continue over these last two years.


What's The Plan Stan? If That Is Your Real Name.

It isn't, thank god... No offense to any Stan's out there.

Well, my plan for 2024 is to focus on some other creative endeavors that my daily posting has kind of held me back from.

To be real, I can find maybe an hour, if I'm lucky, 2 hours a day to be alone and do something, and for this year, that time has been put solely into Hive, and if I put that time into Model Making, or something like that, I tend to document the time spent, and use it for Hive posts. Obviously, though, that hasn't happened in a while, and that's something I want to change.

I want to put more time into model making, animation/ digital art, and video production, which is what this year is going to be about.

That's not to say that I won't be on Hive, I will be checking in daily, but I won't be posting daily.

With the lack of daily posting, I think I'll be able to focus and spend more time on each post, which in turn should make them more professional and more interesting too, perhaps.

Anyway, that's the plan for 2024, and it should be good. I'm going to do HPUD tomorrow, and in that, I might think of some other New Years Resolutions, but until I do, those are my main ideas.


Congrats on the posting goal, it is a tough feat and I will also be doing similar to yourself. I want to spend more time on other creative outlets, but still post on Hive, but less often. Happy New Year!

I'd much rather come here to publish something after I've spent a few days writing/ thinking about it, as opposed to what I'm doing now, which is just getting it written, quick edit/ revision, and publish. I think letting an idea fester for a while would be better, and less stressful since there'd be no deadline.

Good luck with this year man, and I hope the creative endeavors go well for you. What are you thinking of doing? Or, is it top secret? I have one thing I don't want to talk about until I get it started and ready to release.

I am still pretty open to some creative ideas, like you I would like to do some more indepth articles plus do some work on my drawing/art and maybe try to make some video content. I am looking forward to seeing what you bring in the future.

Same to you man, I'm looking forward to see what 2024 brings us... or I should say, I'm looking forward to seeing what we bring to 2024!

Good luck, and it was nice chatting with you. Onwards and upwards.

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 189 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Hey @killerwot, here is a little bit of BEER from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

Did you know that <a href=' can use BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.


 9 months ago Reveal Comment

Congratulations @killerwot! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain And have been rewarded with New badge(s)

You have been a buzzy bee and published a post every day of the week.
You have been a buzzy bee and published a post every day of the month.

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking
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Check out our last posts:

Be ready for the January edition of the Hive Power Up Month!
Hive Power Up Day - January 1st 2024

Hi Hivebuzz, I was expecting to receive my yearly badge yesterday, but I don't seem to have it.

I can say with 100% certainty that I didn't miss a day of posting this year, so was wondering do I have to make a post today to get it, or is there an issue with it?

A big congratulations to you for reaching the posting goal. I, for one, didn't doubt for a second that you were going to smash it. Cheers to a new year dear. We made it!

We did indeed, and I think 2024 will be a great time! Thanks so much for the confidence, and I'm delighted I was able to do it, and I think a large reason why I was able to was because of the encouragement received from people over this year.

I'll be taking a backseat to posting now, while I will check in regularly, I'll only post 2-3 times a week I think.

Congrats on what you've achieved and good luck for this year! Happy New year and have fun :)

Thank you so much, it wasn't easy, but I'm happy to see the other side. Now, I can take a step back from Hive to focus on some other things that have been on my mind for a while.

I'll still check in regularly, but may only post 2-3 times a week.

Congratulations @killerwot! You received a personal badge!

You powered-up at least 10 HIVE on Hive Power Up Day!
Wait until the end of Power Up Day to find out the size of your Power-Bee.
May the Hive Power be with you!

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking

Check out our last posts:

PUD - PUH - PUM - It's all about to Power Up!
Hive Power Up Month Challenge - December 2023 Winners List
Be ready for the January edition of the Hive Power Up Month!


 9 months ago Reveal Comment

Congrats on the daily posting that’s a great feat! I don’t think you should give it up myself, but rather schedule them so they go out into the future. It’s not always possible but it could be a way to balance content and getting things done!

The kids grow fast as hell for sure man! Just make sure to keep feeding it good and healthy whole food! The better the food, the better they grow. Don’t feed him any of the veggie burger bullshit. Good veggies, avocados if you have them or can afford them, and other good home prepared meals as he’s getting older and he will keep growing like a little pork chop! Avocado was a great first for our son, and it’s full of all kinds of good fats and things to help them grow! Also incredibly important - keep them far, far away from artificial colors and dyes! No sprinkles and shit lol. That’s bad for their brain and bodies!

I’m looking forward to seeing what 2024 brings us man, lots of good things to come! Certainly some challenges and insanity but we have to fight that bullshit back with the good and positive things so we can stay sane.

Sorry for the late reply dude, and thank you so much. I've decided to keep the daily's going a while longer, at least until a few other things get in order. I have the space to record some videos I've wanted to do for a while, but now I just need to finish it off. The last time I painted in there I ran out of paint just as I got to the display wall I want to put some stuff on, so I'm going to get another pot, do that wall, and then hang some shelving,

I have most of the original 77 star wars figures from the '70s, so they'll take centre stage, then I've got four helmet mounts for 4 helmets I have, the black series ones that came out a few years ago, I have Boba Fett, Darth Vader, Storm Trooper and Rebel pilot, and I also have some stand up display stands for each corner, which are going to have some bigger things. It'll make for a cool-looking background, especially with the lighting.

Also yeah, we've been careful of what he eats, and make up our own food tubs to freeze and use as we go which he likes, and we also buy some things here and there in the shop. He's gotten so big now man, and he's really strong. He'll be 9 months in 4 days.

2024 will be an exciting year for sure, with it's ups and downs as every year has, but I think we're all in a pretty good position to get far more positives out of this year.