The Tragedy Of My Laptop

in Rant, Complain, Talk5 months ago

My laptop has been on my possession for over 5 years already and this is the second time that I need to reformat my laptop because it's been slowing my processor and there are lots of applications that I downloaded and installed on my computer but I didn't knew that during the past years of downloading unnecessary application may lead to the destruction of my computer.

Anyway, I thought that my computer will be fixed if I only reformat it since that's the last resort that I can do to fix my computer but after several hours of reformatting my laptop. It went blue screen again after I went home and tried it for myself.

My laptop has been with me in the last 5 years and counting and I can say that this laptop of mine is the reason on why I got a job and I got to feed myself because this is where I work since I bought this one.

The only thing that I used my laptop is for my work and for my entertainment and fun like playing games because that's what I like and I didn't knew that installing and playing games is one of the main reason to make my laptop broken like getting a blue screen.

It suddenly got the blue screen last night and it surprised me after I got that blue screen then I thought that it will be okay if I turn the laptop again because that's what I usually do if there is a blue screen to continue with my work and at the same time playing computer games.

So, I turn it on again and then after a few minutes, it got stuck and I cannot use it again or move the cursor in the desktop and then I re-open again and again but to no avail, it will only stayed for a couple of seconds or minutes then the screen will hang or it will get a blue screen.

In my mind, I think this is best to reformat my laptop since it has applications that I think it's not needed anymore and it's been loading up the computer, too.

So, my last and only option is reformatting it and it costs of less then 8 USD for the reformat and I got a less from the one who reformat because I always go there. So, I got a discount and it took us more than an hour because there are other things that he also needs to tend.

I am happy that it got reformat after an hour and he also finish about installing drivers from it to the graphics of my laptop but when he tried to fix it, there's an error and he cannot fix the graphics card maybe it's too old or it's really damage. I have no choice but to accept that he cannot fix it because maybe my laptop is really old and it cannot be fixed.

As I went home and thinking that my laptop is recently formatted and there's no other problem, I opened it because I need to prepare for my work and at the same time, doing my blog but when I install some of the applications that are needed for the work.

In the middle of writing my blog and after finishing some applications for the work, it went blue screen again and that's the point that I realized that my laptop will not going to lasts for another year.

Today, I am using mixed with my sister's old laptop and my phone to post a blog about my laptop and I'm trying my best to post a blog everday.




Posted Using InLeo Alpha


That sucks about your laptop! It’s likely for the best, 5 years is a long time for them. With the new laptop it’s a good idea not to put so many things on it or if you do, clean it regularly from old things you don’t need anymore. Also doing disc fragmentation repairs is a good idea.

I think that would be a great idea and as for the old laptop, it will serve as an experience of not taking care of. Thanks for your suggestion for this.
