It's March already!

in #journallast year

It's March Already!



Look at that, it's March already. Even though we got an extra day in February, it feels like the New Year fireworks happened just yesterday. This year is already almost a quarter in! Crazy. As they say, time waits for nobody. I don't intend to wait for time either. This is why I am hitting the ground running this month.

As usual, I've set out my goals for the month which include a combination of health, financial and social aspects. February was ok, but it felt a little short. I missed some targets but that's ok. I will strive harder this month and see how far I get. One of the wins last month was getting my YT channel monetised, thanks partly to some of you on here. I'm happy to report that, even though I only published a couple of videos in the month, the old videos actually made a few coins haha. Talking of which, that's one of my goals this month. I have a target of 30 videos to go up in March, which means an average of one a day. I'm going to miss out some days, naturally, so I'd have to have days when more than one video will be uploaded. It's a bit of a challenge, since I'm doing other things too, but I think I'm up to it.


I've also challenged myself to make more than 75% of my food at home this month. Not necessarily from absolute scratch, but as close to it as possible. There will be cooking in bulk too, and freezing, just so I can be economical about it.

I also hope to be able to pay more attention to gardening this year. I need to clean the beds and grass to get things rolling. I'm already far behind compared to other people in my hood haha. I don't want the neighbourhood cats to all decide that my place is the safest for them to do there business. Once they start, it's hard to get them to stop.

Peace & Love,



I have gardening to do too, but the weather is not encouraging right now.

The sun is out a little today, but it's raining intermittently. Maybe at the weekend..

I just really hope I am able to achieve a lot this march in what I have in mind

Targets should be set on the first day of the month and then when we work hard, success is sure to come. It looks so delicious.