By my posts you will no doubt have the idea that I dislike nutritionists and the lies they spread. I make no apologies for this and gladly promote not listening to them.
This is my last post on the topic of nutrition. I feel I've said what I have to say on it and there's nothing more to say. However, for you to gain greater understanding of my feelings you need to know WHY I hate nutritionists.
First of all the science doesn't stack up. The science that nutritionists spout come from bad studies with deeply flawed data sets. Not only that it's all based on systems put in place using flawed studies with bad data sets. Nothing good can come from this structure.
Second, a good amount of this information comes from the American government who is trying to get rid of an overabundance of food using systems that were employed after World War II to ensure America wouldn't go hungry. Sadly this food system was hijacked by massive corporations. Despite this overabundance there are millions of Americans going hungry each day. The same thing is happening here in New Zealand where we produce enough food for 40 million people despite having a population of 5 million. There's still people in this country going hungry and it's all the fault of corporations making huge amounts of profits and DUMPING what they can't sell. Let that sink in. Instead of giving it to the needy they dump the food. This is happening all around the world but the blame lies on junk food for being the reason we are malnourished.
The biggest reason I have to hate nutritionists though is what happened to my wife.
Just after the first lockdown here in New Zealand, we were on the verge of a second lockdown. People weren't obeying the rules and as a result things were starting to get out of hand again. Businesses were freaking out because of the lockdowns. How were they going to make money? How could they pay workers' wages, etc? This was despite the government having a plan in place to pay for it all.
As a small business owner, my wife was one of those people freaking out. After the second lockdown came and went she was fine, until a month or two later. She developed a sore stomach to which doctors couldn't work out what was going on.
In talking to a friend she came across a nutritionist who basically took her off all foods leaving her with next to nothing that she could eat. This was for about 2 months to give her body "time to clear itself out". I watched my wife go from a reasonably healthy weight to looking like a cancer patient nearing the time of their end.
My biggest problem is these scumbags have qualifications and I don't have so when I said it was caused by stress and not food she wouldn't listen to me. What actually made me angry was finally this nutritionist mentioned that my wife needed to control stress and Mrs Wookie listened to her. So despite the fact I'd told her 2 months prior that it was caused by stress as a result of the COVID Lockdowns, it took a quack to tell her before she believed it. Sadly though, this quack still felt the best plan of attack was to work on her diet to reduce stress because the "food was causing her body to be stressed out".
Absolute bull crap. Complete horse turds.
The reason for her body now being under stress was because SHE WASN'T EATING because of the pure dribble this nutritionist was spouting. And we were PAYING for this hack.
Things got a little better when she ditched that nutritionist and went to a company called BeePure. Now, I still think this crew are a bunch of shills but at least they did a much more thorough testing and found the real cause. Mrs Wookie had campylobacteria which they said is inside each and every one of us, but our bodies normally just deal with it. The problem comes when our bodies become too - wait for it - stressed. The body then starts to get overwhelmed and if we carry on being stressed our body gets overrun with these bacteria.
Now, here's the thing. The original doctor's visit was inconclusive, but they put Mrs Wookie onto anti-biotics to kill it off. For the most part this worked but the problem then came from the damage the anti-biotics caused. As luck would have it who sells pro-biotics? That's right... BeePure. So while I can say BeePure did help Mrs Wookie in a number of ways, I can't rule out their motives. This leads me to a more insidious reason for hating nutritionists.
Money. The love of money is the root of all evil. That is the proper reading of the scripture found at 1 Timothy 6:10. There is massive amounts of money being sent the way of nutritionists the world over and they in return spread lies that can kill people. At the very least make them more sick.
These lies that it was food that was causing Mrs Wookie to get sick actually did make her more sick. The problem NEVER was in her stomach, despite that being how it exhibited itself. It's always been in her HEAD. But she's all "the stomach is the second brain". BOLLOCKS. The brain controls everything including the stomach. The stomach just breaks down food. It's nerves and a bunch of other systems that body has that tells the brain what's going on. The stomach has billions of nerve endings but ALL nerves go back to the brain. If there's something wrong with anything in the body the BRAIN is what tells us.
For the past 3 or 4 years I've slowly watched my wife get better on her own without the use of nutritionists. Slowly she's started to get sick of the advice and has reintroduced foods on her own terms. Currently she's giving peanut butter a crack but now she's complaining of headaches when she does. I've tried to get on top of this before she spirals out of control again. I've told her the truth about what's happening.
Her brain has been conditioned over the past few years to treat food as this bad thing that's causing her to be sick. NONE of the nutritionists got her to delve deeper into getting her head sorted. They've noted it, but never pushed it. They've only pushed food as the problem. So now she believes she can't eat this that or the other because it will give her bad cramps or headaches. So she tries to introduce those foods and guess what happens? She gets bad cramps or headaches. So is it the food? NO WAY!!! She's psyched herself into thinking that's what will happen and so that's exactly what happens. The food isn't causing her symptoms, it's her head. It's been her head the entire time.
And this leads me into the direction I want to take this blog. Psychology. Getting our heads right. Because our health and fitness all stems from what is happening to our brains.
So from this point on I'll be delving into the murky world of our brains. I will tie our physical fitness with our mental health. And this week is a great time as it's Mental Health Awareness Week here in New Zealand.